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And Now My Bad Deed..... :-)

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gness | 15:37 Fri 22nd Jun 2018 | ChatterBank
36 Answers
I am a ridiculously patient person....not much that other folk do bothers or fusses me....except for.......

Shopping Trolley Etiquette!!!! Folk who block aisles are bad enough....especially when the trolley becomes an extension of their bottoms as they lean over a freezer. Honestly! Some bums are quite big enough without the attachment of a shopping trolley......

But it is the trolley abandoners who are the main culprits......just block a corner or an aisle when they go off to find something....or see a friend two aisles away and have to go and say hello.....

Today the main culprit was a man....there is always a numpty who arrives in the supermarket at the same time as you, isn't there.....but if they behave you can put up with them.
If you're single and it's a male you can eye them up and watch how many dinners for one they put in their trolley....... ;-)

By the third trolley abandonment I had had enough.....he left his trolley blocking the narrow turn at the end of the

I took it with me and hid it........ :-0


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lol..I have been known to trundle an abandoned trolley a few aisles doon !!!
I've been known to drop a packet of three into annoying trollies :-)
Something I have been known to do too!
Question Author
Do you know, Melv....I may have put up a similar trolley grump thread before.....your answer has reminded me......

It must make me grumpy if I've put it on here twice...and yes....I have put stuff in the trolleys of folk who get in my way.... :-)
Now now, he could be a new father who hasnt slept for a week; he could just be in receipt of bad news; he could be having a terrible crisis.....


he could just be a fully paid up member of the arrogant t***** club in which case I might have dropped in a cucumber and a tube of ky.
I can't believe someone would do that.
Question Author you've made me feel bad, BM......I should carry a check list for folk to fill in with their reasons for leaving a trolley in my way..

If he/she has a jolly good reason for being a trolley abandoner I won't hide their trolley so far away..... :-)
Question Author
Abandon or hide a trolley, Ummmm?.... :-)
That's not the actions of a ridiculously patient person.
Question Author
Miss the...."except for"...Ummmm?
That actully might be funnier. Just drop a leaflet in the trolley that says

"do you realise you have abandoned your trolley? Why did you do this:"

a) I'm sorry I didnt realise I had
b) No No, she abandoned me
c) I am an idiot with no thought for anyone else
d) I am having a bad week
e) I have just got a new job at AB and I am a bit distracted

you get the idea?
OMG I feel really bad now, I'm the arch trolley abandoner whilst I wander off and then forget where I left it. I'm sorry, I'mmmmm sooooorrrrrrryyyyy... I didn't realise it *** people off so much, I thought I was speeding things up by not cluttering up the aisles wiyth lots of traffic :(
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Ummmm......if a person is a trolley abandoner to the annoyance of other customers that is's not difficult to consider other shoppers....well I don't find it difficult....except for.... ;-)

If everybody hid the trolley of a trolley abandoner then it would stop....folk would keep their trolleys near to them and not cause aisle blocks...and become more aware of those around them and how annoying these thoughtless actions we all should be.

In fact, I would like to see a one way system in supermarkets with little roundabouts at the end of each aisle.....and in busy sections such as special offers and wine there should also be a traffic light system......U turns would be at the discretion of the manager.....x

Barmaid.....thank you....I'm no longer going to hide trolleys......just have some great fun with your suggestion!....x
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Kval....until my next idea....handcuffing customers to trolleys is adopted carry on.....abandon at will......I sometimes do.....

Just don't block the whole bloody aisle with an abandoned trolley!!!!!!... ;-)
It's wrong. You don't know anything about these people.
Sometimes it's easier to just nip off and pick something up, instead of steering your trolley through the hordes.
Question Author are a very serious person..... but to seriously answer....

They don't know anything about the folk they are holding up and blocking either.

Manners is more than please and thank you.....x
Question Author
It is, Jo....I do it.....but I don't leave a full trolley sideways across a busy aisle or blocking a's easy to just tuck the trolley you want to leave out of the way surely?
Not everyone is able to shift the trolley.... x
I've being shopping and being trollied. Never again... the weird crap I'd bought was that of a Curry monster.
Question Author
Oh lord, Ark....not in Aldilidl I can come out of there with things you didn't know you wanted or needed when you're not trollied!....x

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