Krom, you’re clutching at straws. He criticised her handling of Brexit – and that’s something I think few would disagree with.
//Even if it were somehow understandable [support for the IRA], Trump is not Irish-American//
No, he isn’t, but I imagine that he, like a lot of people, saw (and perhaps still sees) credibility in the fundamental cause – which I understand because whilst I don’t condone the IRA’s methods, I too think the Irish have a valid argument. Perhaps you should check your history. America fought the British for Independence so it’s no surprise that the Irish struggle garners a degree of US sympathy.
//I don't know what the President has done to earn such a degree of supine loyalty in you//
He doesn’t generate supine loyalty in me. I think he’s an arrogant, self-opinionated, conceited, big headed, big mouth – but he speaks the unpalatable truth – and he’s courageous enough to speak it in a way that no politician before has done or moreover, dared to do. He doesn’t kowtow to what appears to have become a universal expectation of sycophantic political correctness and that’s what the hypocritical hordes don’t like. He doesn’t say what they want him to say or what they want to hear. As you rightly observe, we truly are in the post-truth era…. and that’s a sad indictment upon our society and upon anyone who willingly or purposefully accedes to it.