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Looks Like The Old Guard Have Seen Enough.......

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ToraToraTora | 15:58 Thu 30th Aug 2018 | News
9 Answers
"The Birkenhead MP also blamed a "culture of intolerance, nastiness and intimidation" in local parties."


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I'm not surprised.
Sorry to hear that I quite liked Frank Field.
Labour is no longer the party of decent, sensible left-wingers. The old-guard were at least honourable and I could consider voting for them. The youngsters who have flooded to Corbyn simply have no idea and I have begun to despair. Even my very left-wing youngest can't see Corbyn as anything but a disaster.
He's one of the very few Labour MPs who I have respect for.
Labour will eventually lose - or get rid of - all of the old guard. Labour isn't Labour any more.
I missed you opening thread on the subject TTT and posted on t'other.

I will copy across my comment from there.

Whatever Frank Field's politics, he could never be accused of being thuggish, dictatorial, manipulative or morally corrupt. An honourable man does the honourable thing. Shame on Labour and all who support the behaviour that has been displayed in recent years.

Gromit Field has probably been in the wrong party for 30 years. Even in the Tory Lite Blair administration, Field was out of place. He is a very right thinking politician, who will never fit in with a socialist or left leaning leadership and will never agree with Corbyn’s doctrine.
He is a very clever man and very capable. Which instantly rules himself out of a Corbyn led Party.
His name is Frank Field.
Yours is Gromit Green.

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