right thanks all for worrying about my political affiliations, I feel quite cared for :)
Yes i'm a Labour supporter- here however I have objectively said what I think is going to happen rather than stressed any allegiance one way or the other to Jeremy Corbyn or Keir Starmer.
For the record, it's possible to be a labour supporter and a Jew, ask the literally thousands of us, including my mate David Schneider who has written extensively in the press about why that is such a natural thing.
Am I thrilled about the anit-semitism in the Labour party- no of course not, is leaving them and voting tor going to help? Hell no.
I believe that Jeremy Corbyn has a lot of personal integrity, but he's lost the plot in quite a few areas and that does not make him the person most people will vote for so he will soon be gone in favour of Keir Starmer who has Tony clone written all over him. People will vote for him, and Labour people are no less self serving than Tories.