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It Is A Lovely Day .......

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Tashi | 13:23 Sun 21st Oct 2018 | ChatterBank
47 Answers
....... here on the Bay, brilliant sunshine, hardly any breeze, am keeping the Boss company in shorts and T-shirt, so is Nat. had a lazy coffee fueled morning, as you do, will be taking the dogs out shortly, most likely down the park as I suspect the Pub will be open, always a good call :-)

Anyone got any more exciting plans for what is left of the day ?



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Despite the relentless P-taking I am still in shorts and will continue to be until winter sets in. I have gorgeous legs, so I'm told ;o)
16:25 Sun 21st Oct 2018
I'm still in my pyjamas, despite it being a beautiful day. The toss up is to either stay as I am, or get dressed and go round the pub.

That would usually be a no brainer, but I'm knackered and not sure if I can be bothered to drag myself up to the shower.
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Just enjoy as you are Rocky, hopefully you have something alcofrolic to hand if needed :-)
Oh yes, there's plenty of booze in the house....

I'm actually sitting here contemplating doing a Futurelearn course. I can't even get motivated to get dressed, so how am I so deluded as to think I can give up 3 hours a week for the next 5 weeks to learn about the Romans. I need to have a word with myself.
Like a painter i hate cutting my own lawn, went to do it today and the mower is broke so getting it fixed for tomorrow
Hi tashi, just back from my morning walk. You're right it is beautifully warm and autumnal. Lovely.
Right now cooking the sunday lunch and then will settle down with the rest of the wine and the sunday papers!
Had a good few days but feeling a bit morose today, so just flumping about and trying to get my act together despite incredible apathy on my part, amazed I'm even dressed or upright :)
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Chop chop Spath!
Sounds a good plan Sharon.
Kval, you can do it , I have every faith in you :-)
Mem Sahib left for the Dorset pile this am for nearly a week. I sussed out a local large Korean Hypermarket and bought some cupboard essentials. Just started to blow the froth off my first today at local hostelry. After a few tinctures will go home and cook myself a corned dog hash with a couple of fried eggs on top and brown sauce. Few G&T s and watch a DVD if B.A. on the idiot box. Enjoy the peace. :-)
Did the housework this morning now sitting with tray of tea. Bored to death, no treats allowed and I could kill for a bag of haribo..
Lovely day here. Went to the Quayside market had Caribbean street food Goat curry with fried plantain, bought lots of Artisan food then had a scoot around the Sage to see the new Exhibits. Weather is coming in now black as the aces, I hope we have thunderstorm, though I would like to see the meteorites tonight if possible.
I didn't know there were meteorites tonight AL, I'll watch out for those x
Where is the Quay side market AL. Sounds interesting? I love Jamaican goat curry.
Tale end of the Orionid Shower, pieces left behind by Hales Comet, only grains of sand but thousands of them so more sparkly than shooting star.
Nothing exciting but I'm happy enough.

Lovely sunlight dappled walk through the woods this morning. Gardening this afternoon, not in shorts and t-shirt though. Jeans and wellies for me.

Now pootling on here until it's time to cook.
Retrocop. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, The curry is superb, they have all sorts of different street foods, last time I had Nepalese dumplings, yummy and Kimchi rolls.
Won't be visiting there then. Don't fancy grains of sand in my goat curry. :-)
Ah. Thanks AL bit far for me to go. Best I go to Tooting Market up the road and buy the goat meat myself. I have the scotch bonnets,allspice and Bacardi already.Got a stonking good recipe. :-)
Retro , I can't get goat up here but get sauces from this guy, they are authentic Jamaican they make them all themselves. I do it with lamb. I wish I could get plantain I love them
I am in the pub as I write. Looking across the road at a Turkish hypermarket. They always have them. The Mrs won't touch them but eats bananas,for the calcium, by the dozen. Are the skins supposed to be black?
It is a great warm and sunny day here also. Barely a breeze.Could be July.

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