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A Brexit Question But Not Newsworthy

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cassa333 | 18:32 Thu 22nd Nov 2018 | ChatterBank
54 Answers
What happens if MPs vote against the deal on offer?

Not opinion or what you think should happen but constitutionally what happens?

At the moment, and remainers not withstanding, we are due to leave the EU on 29th March 2019. Deal or no deal.

I and many leavers would be quite happy with this but it is unlikely to happen (if at all) easily.

So what can parliament (not the noisy rabble rousers) actually do?


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We leave, and good riddance.
If the deal is not passed we’re headed for a huge crisis
In your dreams. We sod off and stuff the EU.

If we don't ^^^^ . . . . . . I predict a riot.
I think there are noisy rabble rousers on both the remain and leave sides. Or do you just mean those on the Labour benches?
If the deal is rejected (personally I don’t really have much of a preference either way) the prime minister usher will probably resign. Most MPs are dead against us leaving without a desk for the obvious reason that it would be exceptionally damaging : there is absolutely no evidence that a significant number of people in the country would support that either.
Therefore another referendum might well be the only solution. But no outcome looks appealing.
Another deal? I doubt the EU will stand for that.
I still think there is a fair chance the deal will get through Parliament. Unlikely tho it may seem.
I hope the Brexiters will see their way to a card at least for Gina Miller this Christmas: the lady who gave them the chance to vote down Brexit...
this has been covered on other threads, I'd say we leave with no deal but there are hints from various quarters that the process may be suspended. You can be sure though that whatever happens we'll get tubcuffed on prime time TV because we have vegans planning a BBQ.
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Brexiteers don’t want to vote down Brexit. Why on Earth are you thinking that?

Opinion is not really what I was after though it is pproceedure.

It’s all very well saying another referendum is likely. But that isn’t on the agenda. Deal, nodeal and leave is.
Until we get rid of this dreadfully appalling woman we will get nowhere. Once gone, we may have a hope.
the problem is cassa that the "deal" is the worst option at the moment even worse than remaining, thus the only hope is no deal.
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TTT you and I know that but a lot of screamers don’t.

But what is the mechanism to change from no deal and leave to the screamers wet dream of a new referendum.

It’s clear this is the *** or *** deals but will the screamers still vote for it because they fear they won’t be able to change no deal and leave ?
I just hope that parliament shows enough cajones to reject this non deal and we'll see what happens from there.
If this dog's breath of a stitch up squirms through the system, will we be entitled to a new referendum?
The simple truth is that if May's deal gets voted down, nobody has any idea what would happen next. As Ich says, this will be a serious crisis and the outcome is far from certain. It could well mean another election. It could mean another referendum. It could mean we agree to extend Article 50. It would almost certainly mean a change of government - beyond that it's anyone's guess really.

"No deal" could of course be the upshot of all this chaos. But it's not the default that we go to. There is no default.
One doesn't need a deal to go. We've already decided to leave (well except for Mrs. May). If no acceptable deal is on the table at the deadline, logically we just go. Anything else is betrayal of the people and of democracy.
kromo, rubbish, we leave with no deal end of. You don't ever have to ratify the status quo. So constitutionally they'd need an act of parliament PDQ to somehow suspend A50. More likely and hopefully we'll run out of time and crash out with no deal. Fire fight the issues and sort it.
I don't think anyone wants no deal, so it is unlikely in the extreme that this is what happens. More likely the deal is either rejected once, minimally changed, and then accepted the second time round -- or rejected and the entire question of leaving at all returned to the public.

Leaving with No Deal is not going to happen. Only Brexit fanatics want it, and they are in a minority.
Leaving with No Deal is not going to happen. Only Brexit fanatics want it, and they are in a minority.

Last time I counted they were in a majority!

No everyone who voted for Brexit voted for a no-deal Brexit. There is a significant difference between the two positions.
//I don't think anyone wants no deal//

I do.

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