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Parliament To Vote On The Brexit Deal Before Christmas.

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Gromit | 14:23 Sun 25th Nov 2018 | News
126 Answers
It seems to be a deal that no one wants. Will MPs vote for it anyway?
If the Government lose the vote what would happen next. Would May have to resign?


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Seems to me that this is a much bigger deal than whether May stays or goes.

Whether you want to leave or remain, this country faces a constitutional crisis if Parliament rejects the deal on offer.

What's at stake? The Union of the United Kingdom; a fundamental belief in our Parliamentary democracy; the long-term future of Britain in the world and quite possibly the nature of our democratic processes.

In my view, this shoud not (and is not) a Party political matter.

My guess is that Jim (14.25) is somewhere near right.

There's be a knee-jerk reaction from MPs to reject it. Then the implications of that decision will become apparent, and it will somehow be re-submitted to Parliament when MPs will grudgingly accept it.

PS, greetings from Beijing where it is just after midnight...
The art of the deal, eh, Jim?

Try this:

Right, resign and leave. Out of the EU, the customs union and jurisdiction by the ECJ.

PS: Settle bar tab before we go.

Oh, and we do a lot of trade together. Obviously can't be totally free trade given youtariff regime and "level playing field" rules. But it makes good sense (we think) to carry on trading between ourselves. Especially as we buy more from you than you buy from us.

Make sense, Monsieur Barnier?
Eh, Kim, play devil's advocate. Try arguing the case if only hypothetically for the bad guy, ie. your country.
I think a lot of people who voted leave were aware that we couldn't have it all our own way. I think most were hoping for more balanced negotiations than were had.
Did I say Kim?

A typo, Jim, not a Freudian slurp.
Eh v_e (16.22) was that aimed at me?

I'm only visiting for a week. And yes, I agree China is one of the bad guys in the world. Outwardly, the people I have spoken to are shocked and sorry the UK is leaving.

If you watch President Xi, however, I think there is some happiness here that the EU is much weaker as the UK leaves.

The same with Putin.
No, I to M, I was speaking to Jim.

What's the issue China and Russia have with the EU, apart the EU's expansionist policies in the former USSR like the Ukraine?

Economically an independent UK could buy Chinese goods without EU imposed tariffs. Why would that be bad for China?
i have a sneaking suspicion that this deal will go ahead, i and millions like me won't like it, but will be told, something like i told you so.
IJKL - Forgive me asking, what are you doing in China?
I am saddened to think that somehow, this deal will go ahead, and then we will be at the mercy of the unelected commissars of the EUSSR.

I feel betrayed.
Emmie, are you a pessimist by nature?
theland, as will i, and more besides. Bring on the Tory brexiteers for heavens sake and let them at least take a stand.
I have had a good life. I want a better one for my kids and grandkids. Therefore, a Breixit supporter.
Most of your "grandkids" want to stay in the EU.
JIm, how do you know what Theland's grandchildren want?
not usually by nature, but somehow this thing is got out of hand and NO brexiteers are making any kind of noise.
Emmie, wait until the parliamentary vote. There will be plenty of noise then.
just so you know EU have all agreed on this deal.
i hope you are right.

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