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What Can Be Done About Climate Change

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emmie | 13:23 Mon 03rd Dec 2018 | News
205 Answers
is it a natural occurrence, after all the climate has changed over billions of years - is this really what we will come to.


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Kromo; //It's hard to do anything that's carbon-neutral given the way that our economies have developed.// That is absolutely true, but there is so much hypocrisy surrounding these jamborees, look at Paris, a huge multi-million dollar fiasco, with people flooding in from all over the planet, self-congratulating, virtue-signalling, and achieving...
11:15 Tue 04th Dec 2018
Do you ever actually research anything before spouting off about it, Sparkly?
"It is all a load of old cobblers just to make money out of spreading fear."

No it's not. It's called climate change because the climate does change. Now we're seeing it change very drastically and we know that the resources we use can contribute to this. These resources have become global, just like the issue... So they're being used more and more and we're seeing the affects more and more.

I laugh at people who don't believe humans can affect their own climate with the fuels and energy used. I also laugh at people who think climate change is a conspiracy but 911 isn't. It's like Cmon...
There are, of course, still people who use these methods to clean clothes.

Quite a lot of them are moving, or trying to move, to washing machine cultures. I understand the green migration from washing machines to bash the shirt with a rock cultures is negligible.
The amount of money and power those with oil have, can EASILY pay off / influence and even bribe / full on lie about facts and statistics.
Not really, most of the researches are carried out by those with a vested interest.
//I understand the green migration from washing machines to bash the shirt with a rock cultures is negligible. //

And shall, doubtless, remain so.
Whereas there are no vested interests in the anti-Climate lobby?

It's just utter rubbish, Sparkly. Go and learn something for a change.
Calm down jim and stop being so dammed rude !
//Avatar Image jim360 Yes, such a shame that all those poor oil companies, just trying to do the decent thing and never seeking money,//

Anyone for free electricity supplied Gratis,nix,zilch by solar panels and wind farms? Dream on.
Yes, funny old world.
I suspect Sparklykid has expressed the sentiment that is actually behind a lot of the "skepticism" we see towards this topic.
I understand the hole in the ozone layer is shrinking.
(responding to the Naomi post)
Yes, because people actually mobilised and did something about that, Sparkly.
is seems you're very touchy considering you have no vested interest SK.
Retro, price of oil compared to the price of electricity isn't compatible or comparable. I can spend £30 and i'll pay my electric for the whole month. That's lights, the lot as i'm sure you can imagine. I have to pay twice that to do one tank of diesel. That'll last 2 weeks tops?

> most of the researches are carried out by those with a vested interest.

We all have a vested interest in the future of our planet.

People with not much life left, who hate the world and all its people, plants and animals, including their own descendants if any, might have a vested interest in destroying it.

As for the rest of us, we have a vested interest in preserving a planet that's at least as good for the next generation as it is for this one.
//No it's not. It's called climate change because the climate does change.//

Haha...……...or "The Weather" as it was called before a way to turn it into a well paid, virtue signallers, means of earning a crust was invented. Whatever happened to Gobal(deliberate typo) Warming? I'll tell you what...….it is getting colder.
Good one Togo.

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