Theresa May holds a poisoned chalice, I do not envy her her task. All that the MPs in her own party are seemingly plotting against her, have any of them come up with a better plan? There is no point bitching about what she has done or what she has not achieved if they are not going to be proactive in coming up with an alternative. To have a Power struggle at the present time is not doing the country a good service, and that is what MPs are in place today to serve their country, not Manipulating an enviable position to pander to their own egos. Frankly there maybe a time to adjust a leader who no longer has the confidence of the party, but this is not the time, they should be ashamed of themselves. This is not some run-of-the-mill political spat, we have never been in the position of leaving the Common Market before. Chances are if she loses the vote there will be a general election within the next six months which could mean we end up with Corbyn and his mathematical genius friend Diane Abbott in power!