You only have to look at those sitting opposite the Tories to realise that as much as the Tories are in turmoil at the moment, they remain the only viable option. This says much more about Labour than it does the Conservatives.
Thatcher did the country an enormous favour by stifling union power and outlawing sympathy strikes, given that some of our largest industries and companies were dogged by the Vic Spanner's of the world.
I can remember reading something by Dominic Sandbrook where he describes a strike in the 70s in a factory because a dead cat was found.
Sympathy strikes in the UK was bad enough, but striking in sympathy for foreign workers is just batsiht crazy.
Still - what do we expect when HM's Official Opposition is led by a 70s throwback marxist hippy, which has a shadow chancellor who loves Mao's little red book (yes, the Mao who murdered millions and millions of his own people), and even Ken Livingstone in the GLC days thought he was too left wing, and a shadow home secretary in Diane Abbott, who has to be just about the most over-promoted moron ever.
Still, as has been said, if Gulliver thinks it's a good idea, you can guarantee it isn't.