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I Have Never Been More Amazed

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Stargazer | 00:42 Fri 04th Jan 2019 | News
71 Answers
at the spectacular image of the other side of the moon! It is even more riveting than the near side image! I wont sleep tonight for excitement !


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Theland, the Russians didn't use pencils, common misconception, graphite dust, weightless environment and electronics do not mix well together.
??? Theland: A truly Muslim free zone ..... for now! ////

Free of all religious nonsense, why pick on Islam, yours is just as bad.
Yes Naomi
As is Canary at 10:29.

Back to the subject.
Canary - "just as bad." How so?
How many Christian terrorists bombs and murders have you counted lately?
Theland, this isn't about religion - any religion. It's about space exploration and it would make a nice change to discuss that without the thread being hijacked.
To get back on track space exploration is amazing carried out by some extremely intelligent and talented men and women
Gotcha. Back in orbit now.
Rockrose, do you think it's important to continue to explore space?
Yes I do Naomi we are killing this planet and if the human race is to continue is some form then we need somewhere else as a backup
Exciting stuff!
How in the heck did this turn into a Muslim thread?! I mean, I knew AB was special like that, but still -- that's some feat!
n. //Khandro, But in the opinion of Stephen Hawking, in order to ensure the survival of the species, human beings will need to colonise other planets.//

Reference please! He said any time that travellers on this planet had 'discovered' new peoples it had ended up as a disaster for one or the other and maybe both, and we should beware of such dangers before trying to find other life forms in the universe.
Shhhh .... we seem to be back on track.
That^ to Jim.

I'll have a look for what you want, Khandro. Back shortly.
/// this isn't about religion - any religion.///

Sorry Naomi, my bad, I shouldn't have responded.
The fruits of the research producing new technologies for space exploration, have already been of great benefit. New materials, robotics, etc.
What benefits would you like to see for us back here on terra firma as a result of this great science?
I can think of a few.
Given your username, Stargazer, I'd have thought you would be excited by seeing the other side of the moon.

I think space exploration is exciting and should be continued. Not just to find a back-up planet for us to live on, but for the inspiration, science and the huge industry and careers it supports.

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