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Who's Next - Frexit Or Itexit

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Canary42 | 10:01 Tue 22nd Jan 2019 | News
22 Answers
France and Italy falling out - will this weaken the EU even further ?


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Think it will depend on how we exit, which they will be watching, before they make any decisions.
Neither of those two.

If we do manage to extract ourselves and stop funding this Marxist project then it may get interesting when countries that joined to get a hand out are no longer receiving it.
I reckon a late charge from Dexit is a possibility. I suspect the Germans are sick to death of paying for this socialist project:
When one country foolishly criticises another for refusing to let illegal immigrants dock, then one must expect ill feeling. But squabbles occur and I doubt this will be pivotal.
There can't be a next when there hasn't been a first yet, or ever.
But it will be possible after we've left. (Just hope it doesn't need civil unrest to convince the UK parliament to start to perform their democratic duty.)
as a copy writer and sub ed
can I suggest an improved:

who's Nexit ? France or Italy - Frogs plan to jump ship - official

and who is? er not sure
Brits say - hard cheese to the cheese eating surrender monkeys !
There have been posters up in my local village in France advocating Frexit for a couple of years now.
They should accept the federalisation plan is dead in the water, scrap the lot and start again....

What a bunfight that would be!
I should imagine that the pantomime we’ve been through over the last couple of years will put anyone off even considering it ;-)

Macron and Salvini are polar opposites. More a clash of personality
For a next there has to be a first.

There hasn’t been a first yet and with MPs at the Monet desperately trying to sto Brexit there is a real possibility we won’t even leave.
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For those pedants claiming we can't have a next as there hasn't been a first - "Brexit" exists - even if not executed - we've heard/read/seen about it endlessly for over 2 years now.

Try and comment on the substance for a change, not the style.
I'm hoping it's the Czech Republic because I like the sound of the word 'Czexit'.
Cold be something in what TTT has posted. The twist and shouts wont want to be paying for the whole thing.
//Try and comment on the substance for a change, not the style.//

this is AB: there is no substance - and very little style! no - no !
this is AB: there is no substance - only "style"

with thanks to Marshall Mcluhan

as the one line quippers on AB might er quip:
aint gotta clue-on that one, Mac !
No worries for the EU...I'm sure theres plenty of prosperous countries queuing to join up.
Czechout* is surely better.
is Grexit still on the list? It even preceded Brexit.

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