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Another Vile Practice Brought Here ...

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ladybirder | 16:43 Sat 26th Jan 2019 | News
96 Answers
I hope this is dealt with more successfully than FGM has been.

How can people think this is ever OK especially in 2019?



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I favour mod sabre-rattling over editorial revision. Ahem, I digress... The civilised world needs to make a united stand against this medieval practice, even the grovelling apologists need to see it for what it is. To speak out against such a cruel and barbaric practice is not racist, it is in the interest of humanity.
14:04 Sun 27th Jan 2019
I think if you hit back on your browser sometimes you can rescue the message. Ah well.
"Answers removed."
Used the dreaded word, "black."
Not allowed.
If I recall from yesterday, you typed more than one word and the majority was off this topic.
It's not always easy to separate genuine concern from blatant racism, but you at least should try to keep the two separate...
So many negatives brought into the country by black African migrants, Arab Muslims, and other alien cultures, and to object or highlight this dilution and infection of our society, is to invite accusations of racism, and, "Answer removed."
Normal these days.
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Have you done the same thing then Jim?
//It's not always easy to separate genuine concern from blatant racism//

It's easy enough to conflate them. It's a Pavlovian response in some. Maybe the conflaters "should try [harder] to keep the two separate".
Occasionally, yeah. Sometimes I can recover the message, other times I can't. Might depend on exactly how you navigate away from the page.
I don't know why your answers from yesterday weren't removed, Theland

It was a strange decision to close the thread instead.

You can actually submit an answer then go back and submit the same answer again without having to type it out again Ladybirder.
When our children and grandchildren go to school, we should expect them to get a British education, and immigrants should conform to our culture.
What happens, however, is we Brits have to take a step back to accommodate alien cultures.
The result is softly softly policing on child grooming, reluctance to interfere in alien cultural norms, and watering down British cultural norms.

Came back and haven't typed any of the text below.

I don't know why your answers from yesterday weren't removed, Theland

It was a strange decision to close the thread instead.

You can actually submit an answer then go back and submit the same answer again without having to type it out again Ladybirder.
I don't believe the intention is for Britain to accommodate breast-ironing, more trying to formulate ways to educate against it and stop it in its tracks - the quicker the better.
Where has anyone said that Brits have to stand back and accept this [breast-ironing] alien culture?
//watering down British cultural norms.//
You do know that these are built on immigration going back hundreds of years
I like the fact that we in West are so enlightenend. Sometimes it takes other countries to catch up
*a while*
Rockrose - Yes. If we end up as cannibals, let's do it one bite at a time, not be expected to have bacon and eggs today, and put the missionary in the pot tomorrow.
Theland is there the slightest possibility you could address the topic of the thread?
You are talking rubbish Theland
The perpetrators of this crime should be found and dealt the full boundaries of our courts

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