NJ, it was yourself who was first to mention the paint stripper / lightbulbs stuff!
As for putting aside the good or bad points; that is completely missing the point. (By the way, no one has provided any bad points that I can see). Yes, I’m grateful for the EU cutting roaming charges / putting a cap on the working week / introducing legislation for child car seats. But.....these are all minor influences. They’re not worth the hassle that Brexit is causing / will continue to cause.
As a man of the law (in some undefined capacity), you’ll be aware that the vast majority of EU laws will, under the European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018, be incorporated into UK law anyway! So why leave voters claim this is why they voted as they did baffles me. You could argue our exit will end this ‘interference’ but as Tora’s link cites things I can only largely see as positives, I’m not convinced this is a good thing.