retrocop - // Welcome to the real world you hope to preside over as Home Secretary Ms Abbot. You will be overall in charge of policing which includes Female officrs who will risk abuse,assault,sexual harrasment and attempts,in extreme cases, to kill them.
They will face those unpleasant situations 24/7 in all weathers and do not enjoy the armed protection you would get travelling from your abode to the comfy environment of the H of C. Just suck it up. It goes with the territory for those who do their duty without complaint. //
Your comparison is utterly without merit.
Female police officers do contend with all the negative aspects of their job that you have mentioned - but that does not make their job comparable with that of an MP.
Police officers undertake their career knowing that potential violence, and maybe death, is a very real daily risk that is undertaken in order to protect the public on a day-to-day basis. That does not in any way compare with what an MP could reasonably expect to deal with undertaking their daily role, which is completely different.
So there is no comparison at all there - except one - female police offers should not have to suffer threats and abuse any more than female MP's, and to suggest that because one does, the other should as well is to ignore the vital point - neither of them should suffer at all.