Rats Leaving A Sinking Ship in The AnswerBank: News
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Rats Leaving A Sinking Ship

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retrocop | 22:41 Thu 04th Apr 2019 | News
11 Answers
Downing Street denies this story but then of course,as the old saying goes,She would say that.
Good luck to her.She needs a well earned rest after knocking her head against a brick wall.
Does rather indicate where her loyalties lie though.If she fails to deliver the true will of the majorityy when she scuttles off to a 27 Country I hope the Guarda have enough manpower for round the clock protection. UK Special Branch have been cut to the bone. :-(

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Quite a lot to unpack there. Think I'll go to bed instead.
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Me to. Nite
it is called flight of ideas

holiday - safety - safety in the republic - guards from the gordai - UK special branch( guards in the UK) - no money no cops

I also tend to miss out a few steps which makes the script incomprehensible to some.....
after Mountbatten
I never really looked on ireland as a place to have a holiday home
I mean put a foot wrong and dthe whole thing blows up in your ....
..and we know the last viceroy of India had dandruff, don't we?
Waterford eh?

Ah well,she will be in good company with the other Munsters...
A brick wall of her own making.

But that's the trouble when your heart's not in your task, and you consequently try to get the opposite result to the goal you've been set, and expect everyone to agree to it.
Perhaps she should have visited the area before the negotiations with the EU and then things will have been crystal clear.
She's a rat, that's agreed, but the ship is far from sinking, it's quite buoyant and the future is bright, it's the EU which is now leaking.
If it’s actually been denied it’s probably untrue.
Although why it should be such a big deal o can’t imagine.
Rather a dispiriting thread this. Even Peter seems to be harking back to other times.

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