Look back in history you will find there's lots of improvement, eat some chocolate, and a buttered teacake with your feet up, it will all come out in the wash.
There are those who say the UK's days are numbered (in its present form), but that has nothing to do with violence in Northern Ireland or elsewhere in the UK. Let's wait and see.
What happened in Derry is hideous, knife crime is rife and London is in a mess. AOG is right, what is happening to us?
I have plenty of chocolate in, a mug of coffee and am putting my feet up for 10 minutes on this beautiful day, but it hasnt gone away. well aware that parts of UK are really struggling right now.
// The New IRA is believed to have been formed between 2011 and 2012 following the merger of a number of smaller groups, including the Real IRA - the group behind the 1998 Omagh bomb //
//I'd hate to see a new wave of killings in NI. //
whilst ulster society is still most definitely polarised, it's unlikely that public opinion would permit return to the level of paramilitary activity prevalent before the good Friday agreement. it's being reported that the shooting was probably not targeted, and the amount of condemnation by all sides similarly being reported is a hopeful sign that this won't be the start of anything more protracted.
Life is what you make, if you worried about everything that's happening in the world you would end up a mental wreck. There's no perfect world, and never will be, but as an individual sometimes you can put right, what as been done wrong.
London anarchy is down to the failure of police to move in on disruptors.
IRA terrorist activity is a hopefully temporary failure of appeasing tertorists, some of whom can't seem to act as decent human beings for long even when a compromisewas agreed.
Knife and gun crime is down again to law & order problems and I suspect importing violent culture.
One has to hope authorities will get a grip on all before too long. There's always something to be tackled.
'Our UK is exactly the same as it's ever been, lots right with it and lots wrong with it. Elements of society have always committed crime (and always will), there has always been civil unrest (ask Wat Tyler) and there always will be. The way those things express themselves society wide changes but not basic human nature which propells it. Have an Easter Egg and give your overthinking a rest.
Just heard on the news that Police,acting on intelligence,raided houses on the Cregan estate looking for firearms so they could prevent attacks on them over Easter.