Crosswords14 mins ago
Why Do Neo Nazis Even Exist?
Surely no matter what your politics are, aligning yourself with Nazis is a bit brainless.
Do these young thugs (or ‘patriots’ as some have called them) need to be sat down with people who actually fought Nazis during WWII, or the families of Holicaust survivors to make them see sense?
https:/ / depende k/news/ uk/home -news/n ational -action -neo-na zi-terr orist-f ar-righ t-uk-ba n-a8878 466.htm l
Do these young thugs (or ‘patriots’ as some have called them) need to be sat down with people who actually fought Nazis during WWII, or the families of Holicaust survivors to make them see sense?
I see the usual Deniers are at work, trying to invalidate the application of the label. My poor old Dad and his neighbours must be turning in their War Graves at this insidious invasion of these devious fifth columnists into our society. After giving their lives to rid Europe of the scourge of the Far Right. RIP real Tommy.
13:07 Sun 28th Apr 2019
Bainbrig, the Neo-Nazis follow the ideology of the Nazi Party and Hitler, eg white supremacy and hatred of the Jews etc.
https:/ / en_us/a rticle/ jmv73p/ the-mal aysian- nazis-f ighting -for-a- pure-ra ce
Bainbrig, the Neo-Nazis follow the ideology of the Nazi Party and Hitler, eg white supremacy and hatred of the Jews etc.
In my link, the video shows a couple of National Action members holding up a swastika.
I note that rather than concentrating on the question of National Action, the argument has devolved to semantic.
I suppose we're lucky some weren't old enough to fight in WWII.
"People say that Hitler is bad, but I saw Triumph Of The Will the other night, and honestly - he came across quite well".
Anyway, thanks all for the answers. Some interesting views here.
I note that rather than concentrating on the question of National Action, the argument has devolved to semantic.
I suppose we're lucky some weren't old enough to fight in WWII.
"People say that Hitler is bad, but I saw Triumph Of The Will the other night, and honestly - he came across quite well".
Anyway, thanks all for the answers. Some interesting views here.
//The original meaning of the word Nazi was a member of the German Nationalist Party.//
the official name of the party that became colloquially known in the English speaking world as "NAZIs" was Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei, national socialist (and workers), rather than just national.
the official name of the party that became colloquially known in the English speaking world as "NAZIs" was Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei, national socialist (and workers), rather than just national.
As a Christian, if I speak out against Jihadi Nazi Islamofascists, who attack our society, violently, financially and socially, at every opportunity, whilst gaining a grip on the established levers of power, then that must make me a Neo Nazi, are target for the hypocritical Antifa, and the frightened PC politicians who fail to speak up for us, the majority.
/// The original meaning of the word Nazi was a member of the German Nationalist Party.That is what I refer to in my posts. ///
Wrong the meaning of Nazi is,
A member of the National Socialist German Workers' Party.
Socialist Workers Party???????
https:/ /encryp ted-tbn 0.gstat images? q=tbn:A Nd9GcTo oi2TYeo tBUYaOi pFWYf2a wCs4d8P 6H90_fb Y-20G1y kulIO4
Obviously FAR-LEFT then?
/// The original meaning of the word Nazi was a member of the German Nationalist Party.That is what I refer to in my posts. ///
Wrong the meaning of Nazi is,
A member of the National Socialist German Workers' Party.
Socialist Workers Party???????
Obviously FAR-LEFT then?
/// AOG. Wrong again. Look at Mushroom 25's post at 18.13.
Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei, national socialist
( andworkers) ///
Check your facts before making a complete idiot of yourself.
Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei
Translated to English
National-socialist German Workers' Party
Which is exactly what I said.
/// AOG. Wrong again. Look at Mushroom 25's post at 18.13.
Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei, national socialist
( andworkers) ///
Check your facts before making a complete idiot of yourself.
Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei
Translated to English
National-socialist German Workers' Party
Which is exactly what I said.
Nazi definition and meaning | Collins English Dictionary
https:/ / llinsdi ctionar ictiona ry/engl ish/naz i
Nazi definition: The Nazis were members of the right-wing political party, led by Adolf Hitler,
Note right wing.
Nazi definition: The Nazis were members of the right-wing political party, led by Adolf Hitler,
Note right wing.
Naomi, the great liberal that she be, opines “ Each intent on total control and each as evil as the other.”
If you excuse the term, lady, Cobblers.
Utter drivel.
You may have heard of economic classes? Well, the fascists are supported by (and do the bidding of) the owners, the rulers, the capitalists. Geddit?
While the socialists are born out of working class movements, and our aim is to ensure that working people get the best possible deal.
Diametrically opposed to the other lot...
If you excuse the term, lady, Cobblers.
Utter drivel.
You may have heard of economic classes? Well, the fascists are supported by (and do the bidding of) the owners, the rulers, the capitalists. Geddit?
While the socialists are born out of working class movements, and our aim is to ensure that working people get the best possible deal.
Diametrically opposed to the other lot...
//socialists are born out of working class movements, and our aim is to ensure that working people get the best possible deal.//
And tell me, Bainbrig, which role model, past or present, for this Utopian dream do you most admire? Communist Russia, ‘Socialist ‘ Yugoslavia, Macedonia, Venezuela …. or another of the disastrously socially damaging regimes that rather than encourage aspiration and prosperity have kept the ‘hoi polloi’ in poverty? Have you ever seen any of that in action, Bainbrig – or have you led a sheltered life?
And tell me, Bainbrig, which role model, past or present, for this Utopian dream do you most admire? Communist Russia, ‘Socialist ‘ Yugoslavia, Macedonia, Venezuela …. or another of the disastrously socially damaging regimes that rather than encourage aspiration and prosperity have kept the ‘hoi polloi’ in poverty? Have you ever seen any of that in action, Bainbrig – or have you led a sheltered life?
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