If you break into someone's house armed with a screwdriver and they pick up a knife, you're probably in danger of getting stabbed. Personally I minimise the risk of getting into a situation like that by not breaking into people's houses.
AH to gness, //It was never my intention to include you in the Self-Righteous Brothers - I think I know you better than to think you belong with them! //
If I had to kill someone in self defence or to defend loved ones in danger, I'd find it really upsetting, and in truth I probably would lose sleep over it.
However, I wouldn't regret doing it for a second, and I wouldn't hesitate to do it again if I ever had to.
spicerack, oh I see. Yes, it was a bit of a nuisance but I got the idea from an account I read of a burglary where the intruders broke in through a roof and found themselves in a locked cupboard. That's poetic justice for you! :o)
My ex once caught a burglar coming out of our garage with armfuls of our stuff. He punched him and sat on him while I rang the police.
The one that came in to take a statement insisted on ticking a box to say my ex felt "threatened" to make sure he didn't get into trouble himself.
Back in the 1970s we lived in a house with locks on all the internal doors. We used to lock them at night until we came across an article which claimed it was not a good idea on the grounds that internal doors are not very strong and a thief will just smash through them, causing even more problems. Also slows down escape in case of fire.
naomi - // AH to gness, //It was never my intention to include you in the Self-Righteous Brothers - I think I know you better than to think you belong with them! //
Who are the Self-Righteous Brothers? //
My reference to the Self-Righteous Brothers refers to the same few on AB who can't wait to tell everyone that they would pull the lever if Capital Punishment was re-introduced, and generally huff and puff about how hard they are, and how killing someone wouldn't bother them, and so on and so on …. it comes from here -
I'm not sure anyone would carry lifelong guilt for protecting themselves or their family. Mostly relief, I would have thought. It isn't inhuman, imo. Just realistic.
I think that the psychological impact of someone invading your home (my safe zone) whilst you are actually at home would take a long time to get to grips with. I don't know what I would do if I was confronted by a burglar- none of us can be sure how we would react.
I used to be concerned about what would happen if someone got in and my dog injured or killed the person. These days I would be worried about anyone hurting Frankie (he isn't a very brave cat).
I am not self righteous nor do I blieve life is cheap. The lives of my wife and children are very valuable to me and I would happily risk my life to save theirs. If that is self righteous then so be it but I am not a poltroon A-H.
When I applied for a protection officer's post I was asked how my wife felt about the likelihood of me shooting someone fatally and answering to my actions in a court of law . My wife was OK but naturally was a little worried for me.
I then had to undergo a phsycological profile test to see if I was stable in my mental health to be let loose near prominent people. My politics we questioned etc.
Having passed those criteria I underwent an exhausting and physially demanding Bodyguard Protection Course which threw up Mental challenges. I am not self righteous and I thank God there are few men I know who would think I was. If I was trained to kill a would be assassin who was about to kill someone I don't personaly know but charged to protect with my life then why the hell should I not be happy to protect those dearest to me with whatever means possible?