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Notre Dame Fire

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Khandro | 10:33 Wed 08th May 2019 | News
54 Answers
I'm trying to find any news on the investigation of its cause, but other than statements saying it was an "accident" I've drawn a blank.
There was a report a couple of weeks ago that several French MPs wanted clarity and were unhappy that there appeared to be a cover-up, or at least a lack of determination on the part of the government to pursue the matter fully.
Has anyone seen anything ?


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It’s white easy to imagine that Moslems might have set fire to Notre Dame, who knows. It’s the idea that there’s a big coverup going on which is daft.
Khandro, I can set light to almost anything. Centuries old dry oak would catch fire pretty quickly even with a discarded cigarette + with that building would have had massive updraft.
okay TonyV, just step back slowly and hand me the match
I smell a rat!

A big stinky rat in hiding.
Tony, old oak doesn't catch fire easily - and when it is set alight it's slow burning.

I think a lot of what goes on is covered up.
Yes they never mention the lizards do they.
Very dodgy :-)
Well, 'they' do, Ichkeria, but only when David Icke is involved. I don't think this has much to do with him.
Ok jno and Naomi but as soon as oak is burning produces a lot of heat
When the fire was out and the building safe, a team of 90 fire investigators entered.
The week before, at the height of the inferno, we were told it was an accidental fire. Asking why shouldn't lead to accusations of Islamophobia.
//Yes they never mention the lizards do they. //

Could some kind soul please explain the relevance to me as all I can think of at the moment is a group of Girl Guides, wicked little creatures that they can be, chanting "Go Anna" as one strikes a match.

Not sure about the ratio of Muslim Girl Guides tho.
I know arson was almost instantly ruled out - which is precisely what makes it suspicious. That would be impossible.
1ozzy, there is no relevance. Ichkeria's being a smartar&e.
Naomi do or did you ever question the 911 terror attacks?
Question them about what?
Thank you.
You're welcome.
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tonyV /Centuries old dry oak would catch fire pretty quickly even with a discarded cigarette /

I will bet you a large sum can't set fire to a beam with a cigarette.

btw, Dry oak of 20 years has the same water content of dry oak of 600 years, dry is dry, you can't get drier.

naomi; As I understand it, the architect, Viollet-le-Duc -who restored Notre Dame in the 1840s- employed the best stone-sculptor of the day, Geoffroy-Dechaume, to carve some figures, (and his masons carved the famous gargoyle-monsters). I believe a film was made shortly before the fire, of Geoffroy-Dechaume's figures being lifted off before restoration work was to begin.
This might be what you have read?
"terror attacks"

Not attackers.
You don’t know about the lizards, I see, ozzy

I rest my case ;-)

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