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Tough One For The Trump Haters......

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ToraToraTora | 09:33 Sat 22nd Jun 2019 | News
63 Answers
It seems the president thought the estimated deaths were disproportionate and called off the strike. That'll confuse the Trumpaphobes!


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Some questions for Jim.

Q1: Would an Islamic Republic of Iran be a good or a bad thing?

Q2: Do you think the Obama deal would have stopped Iran getting nukes?

Q3: Do you acknowledge - or deny - that Iran funds terrorism, and that the release of the frozen (since the overthrow of the Shah) assets by Obama has increased Iran's war chest and thus its threat to its enemies local and otherwise?

...oh, and:

Q4: What does the "Death to America" mantra (mixed metaphor religiously speaking) tell you about the Iranian theocracy?
No Jim, I don't know. I'm convinced that the mere fact the man breathes is a crime in your eyes. If he'd ordered a strike that would have been wrong. He hasn't - and that's wrong too.
"Cocked (?) and loaded". You can tell he never served in the military. Too busy getting that massive brain of his educated. Until, of course, he had filled it with so much information that he developed problems with his feet :-/
He ordered the strike to be prepared -- or certainly initially approved it -- and only cancelled it at the eleventh hour. Cancelling it was right. But the point is that he shouldn't have had to unmake such a reckless decision. This isn't difficult. WHy are you making it so, Naomi?

He hasn't done badly in life Ken.
Q1: I'm opposed to the idea of a religious republic of any kind. As it happens, though, that is where Iran is right now.

Q2: Almost everyone, including Trump's own administration, agreed that Iran was complying with the terms of the Nuclear Deal. It was working.

Q3: Forgive me for dodging this question but I'd have to do more research into this. Right now the entire Middle East is a mess. I am not sure that war with Iran will necessarily help the situation. The US's allies, Saudi Arabia, are also covered in blood due to the War in Yemen, so I doubt that anybody emerges clean from that region currently, almost certainly including Iran.

Q4: Iran may be dominated by anti-US rhetoric but it's not the only sound coming from there.

Call the medics.
Jim, I'm not making it difficult. He asked for advice and concluded that the action didn't justify the loss of life. How is that wrong?

Hatred isn't a pleasant trait, Jim.
No, it is not. But on balance whether I hate Trump, or merely find him objectively abhorrent and unsuitable to be leader, is neither here nor there. What matters is his actions and temperament, or lack thereof.

As I say, I am relieved that he cancelled the strike, but disgusted that he approved it to start with.
Don't worry Jim. All those refugees will be coming here as the "Middle Eastrush Generation" and lay the foundations for a future Islamic State of Non-Great Britain.
Doesn't alter the fact he was a yellow Draft Dodger, Naomi. Yet when that policeman waited for back-up outside the school, some time back, this draft dodging coward blasted the officer and said he would have gone in there without back-up and without thought for his own safety. Yeah, right Donald. Covfefe.
Jim, //on balance whether I hate Trump, or merely find him objectively abhorrent and unsuitable to be leader, is neither here nor there. //

It's absolutely here or there - in fact it's both. As I said, the mere fact that the man breathes is a crime in your eyes. You stick the boot in at every opportunity - and very clearly relish doing it. Sadly, your agenda shows .....
Q2: Unaware of the sunset provisions, i.e. do what you like after ten years? Meanwhile, you'll tell us who's allowed to inspect what. Oh, and, our religion allows us (and in some cases mandates us) to lie if promotes our cause.

And there are, of course, "other voices" coming out of Iran. But they're not those of the mullahs, but those of the oppressed. Most of the women and a good proportion of the men in Iran, I dare say, would be happy to see this vile religion off their backs.
I would dearly love you to be right, Naomi, and that I enjoy "sticking the boot in". I really don't. What enjoyment is there to be had, when all that happens is that he carries on anyway, ruining his country and the world as I see it?

I mean, sure, continue if you like to ignore criticism in favour of attacking the messenger with your usual brand of utter rubbish, but that reflects on you, not me. And if you have nothing to say that doesn't involve playing man rather than ball than you have nothing useful to add at all.
Indeed there was a sunset clause, but it did at least least until 2030, by which time (or presumably slightly before) the issue could be revisited. But the fact remains that Iran was closer to building a nuclear bomb before the JCPOA was in place, and is closer to it now that the US has pulled out of the deal.
What does it say about Naomi that every time an issue with Trump comes up her mind immediately jumps not to the facts of the case, but to the person reporting them? Sadly, her agenda shows...
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10CS: "Don't worry Jim. All those refugees will be coming here as the "Middle Eastrush Generation" and lay the foundations for a future Islamic State of Non-Great Britain. " - once again you demonstrate not only your anti Britishness but your ignorance too. The "Great" in Great Britain is not an adjective.
TTT is one of the "Frinton Faction". I know it isn't an adjective. It was meant as irony. Everything outrages you doesn't it, TTT? You make a lot of "noise" at times; something akin to an empty drum - makes a lot of noise but there's nothing in it. I think there's a line in a Shakespeare play that might be relevant to you: Methinks the lady doth protest too much. Not descriptive, as in "lady", but the meaning seems to apply to you. I just love this website! :o)
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No idea what the Frinton Faction is but at least I don't spend every waking moment hating my own country because it's not the left wing dystopia craved by those with no more sense than they were born with.

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