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Will Cannabis Be Legalised In The U K Within 10 Years?

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ToraToraTora | 08:42 Mon 29th Jul 2019 | News
64 Answers claim a cross party group of MPs though they do include Lammy.

Editors Note: We have edited this OP for the purpose of clarity.


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The war on drugs is a very expensive, very long war. One we will never, ever win. Maybe it's time to just give up... Regulation an taxation.
there are lots of recipes on the internet, OG, though I will refrain from posting links. The Alice B. Toklas Cookbook was famous for its hashish fudge recipe, but I've never tried it.
//Maybe it's time to just give up..//

So far as smoking cannabis is concerned, the authorities near enough have given up. The smell of cannabis is everywhere. I visited a hospital a couple of weeks ago (where smoking is banned throughout the premises, including the grounds) and passed three oiks puffing away in the doorway next to the security guard. The smell is absolutely vile and quite why anybody would choose to inhale it is one of life's great mysteries. But very few prosecutions are taken against users. However, it seems by far the worst thing they can do is drop a cannabis dog end in the High Street.
Me either but long before medicinal cannabis products were on the horizon, there was a local group of carers for people with MS who grew and shared. I took very very great care not to know more as the company my late husband worked for were extremely serious about drugs and had a very busy and inventive gossip mill. Almost everyone at work knew not to accept the offer of fudge or brownies from one particular respite lady patient with a naughty sense of humour. the one exception was a bank nurse who was new to us. Fortunately it happened on the night shift so she was able to sleep it off and was sensible enough to keep quiet.
the me either was to Jno's comment about never having tried the recipes.
New Judge - // … and passed three oiks puffing away in the doorway next to the security guard. //

Why does smoking cannabis make someone any more of an 'oik', than walking down the street drinking a can of lager?
Because one is currently illegal in society and the other is not illegal. (currently)
spath - // Because one is currently illegal in society and the other is not illegal. (currently) //

By that logic then, the moment you break the law - any law, you become an 'oik'.

Drive at thirty-one miles an hour, miscalculate your alcohol intake before you drive, walk your dog off the lead in a park, hoot your horn after eleven at night, fail to declare every last penny of tax you owe, the list goes on.

Smoking a joint does not make you an 'oik' - I can't recall seeing any smokers looking for fights with complete strangers in the street, unlike their lager drinking counterparts.
It is quote uncouth to break the law though, so that would indicate a law breaker is an oik.

Andy i agree with you.. Aint nothing wrong with someone smoking some plant. Less aggressive and harmful than alcohol etc.. much more society friendly. But currently it is illegal. That's the main issue, it's status in the legal system.

People will use that as a knock down point in conversation.. It's illegal so that's that.

I think that is wrong.
spath - // But currently it is illegal. That's the main issue, it's status in the legal system. //

I absolutely take your point, and I understand that my semantic response doesn't really cut it.

I simply find NJ's assessment of a complete stranger to be an 'oik' irritating, when I personally am vastly more irritated when I walk past the entrance to the Cancer Centre of our local hospital, and there is a bin provided to stub out cigarettes, and it is overflowing with fag ends every single day.

I reckon depriving someone of cancer treatment while you take yours, and then smoke, is miles more 'oik'ish!
I think if cannabis was legal, hemp would get a better image. Currently, hemp could save almost everything wrong with our planet. But it will never be fully incorporated into society until it's sister, cannabis, has that grey light lifted from it.

Hemp could save the world. Facts.
Go on then, Spath, state the facts.
Hemp can be used to make:

Building materials
biodegradable plastics
building materials
clothes / fibres / sheets / curtains etc. .etc..

When hemp is planted on good draining, fertile loam with appropriate temperature and moisture conditions, seed will germinate quickly and reach 12 inches in 3-4 weeks from planting. Compare that to a tree or wood... It's efficiency is like 50 times better than tree wood.

It can be used for so many things, it's renewable, it grows fast, it can be grown in the same location as you just grew it..

If it was fully utilised, climate issues would be halfed.
"Hemp is used to make a variety of commercial and industrial products including rope, textiles, clothing, shoes, food, paper, bioplastics, insulation, and biofuel."
Enough orr?
//Why does smoking cannabis make someone any more of an 'oik', than walking down the street drinking a can of lager?//

It doesn't. Both are equally capable of being oiks - or not. Not all people who smoke cannabis are oiks and not all people who drink in the street are oiks. There's more to being an oik than that. And those three were definitely oiks.
Why wait for 10 years? Canada legalized it in 3 or 4 years.
Is cannabis smoked on its own, like tobacco, or mixed with tobacco, or either. If its smoked on its own, does it have the same chemicals, or similar to cause cancer. Thanks
Usually, a "joint" is straight marijuana. However there all all kinds of cannabis-infused "edibles".

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