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Was President Trump Racist To Rightly Describe Baltimore District A "disgusting, Rat And Rodent-Infested Mess"?

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anotheoldgit | 10:24 Tue 30th Jul 2019 | News
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Garbage Eddie. I see you avoided actually answering the OP though.

Clearly he was not racist, just another example of the liberal left using and 'ist' or 'ism' to shut down valid points or debate they dont like.
Eddie, why do you consistently make things up? It can’t be because you think it doesn’t show. Your history confirms that it most certainly does - and you know that.
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/// Washington DC is rather more of a mess than Baltimore. I wonder if the president of the USA has noticed? ///

Baltimore is the 3rd most dangerous city in the US, the 1st being St. Louis Missouri and the 2nd being Detroit Michigan.

I won't give you the ethnic population figures for these three cities just in case I am labelled racist for doing so.

I am struggling to understand why people would attack The Donald on this subject rather than call for action to clear up Balitmore. Or other dump areas.

There are some odd people in the world and on here.
iv been there and yes it's a dump, drugs alcohol guns broken families
umemployment etc, not unlike parts of chicago or detroit or south l.a.
I can’t see the point of this foul rants from Trump, right or wrong, racist or not.
What good do they do? If he is planning to help such communities then the language would be better toned down surely. If he’s not planning to help then ... just shut up?
He seems fuelled by hate.
sorry, aog, you're quite right. Washington must have cleaned up its act.

What are you to do?

If you disregard the reason Trump called out Cummings and looked at what he said you will find a. It isn’t in the least racist. b. Is an accurate description of the parts of Baltimore he was talking about.

If you look at the backlash from what he said you can but reason the detractors are using race as a stick and club to not have to look at what he actually said and admit they are responsible.

This happens probably about 90% of the time when Trump says or does anything (I’m being conservative on that % as it’s probably higher) Can one reason also that 90% of the time Trump is right? Well if you read what he says and don’t spin bias on it then yes I think you can.

Only true liberal brainwash8ng says otherwise.
// the disingenuous are chomping at the bit to promote that image of him on his behalf.//

they dont have to - he is doing a perfectly good job at that himself
// just in case I am labelled racist for doing so. // AOG, dear sweet AOG

aaah, listen ! [bless!]
no. worry not AOG, I prepared to label you racist even if you dont !
ter daaah !
helooooo Jacques Rees MOgg here
am I the only one to notice the split infinitive here?
'to rightly describe'
I have repeatedly time and again warned my staff against such sollipsisms

(I think it is a sollipsism: it could be something else - syncretic doo-dah or something)
I think you're thinking of Bishop Berkely, Pet.

The word you're looking for is solar system.
Oh, it's...ley, isn't it?
er Butler ? - let us call a thing a thing and not another thing....
Butler? We're getting Nohwere with this converstaion, are we?

Nah, mate, Berkeley.
// When it comes to emotively vitriolic and spiteful language Trump doesn’t hold a candle to [Andy-Hughes] //

How many people has Andy Hughes called "psycho", "loser", "witch", "stupid", "fool", "loser", "dope", "pathetic", "moron, "clown", "lowlife", etc etc etc, lately?
Go on Jim. Tell us.
Did you know that fully before Trump called Baltimore "rat infested" that PBS(that will be Public Broadcasting Service in case you wonder) made a documentary about the problem of rat infestation that had already become a byword for the failings of the governing(Democratic left wing party) there? Of course you didn''s a Trump problem for the terminally sick of mind and heart, not a rat problem.
Baltimore was once truly a beautiful city. Built by the Dutch settlers with wonderful white marble facades. Prosperous and proud. Then the Dum Dems took over. It is now a hovel, a "safe space" hovel that has gobbled up billions of dollars of funding. Most of it unaccounted for. When the old plague breaks out it will be Trump's fault mind, not the people who turned it into a sewer of socialism.
Every time Donald opens his mouth there's a fair chance something racist or prejudiced is going to emerge from it.

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Was President Trump Racist To Rightly Describe Baltimore District A "disgusting, Rat And Rodent-Infested Mess"?

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