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Trump Thumbs Up

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brainiac | 22:47 Fri 09th Aug 2019 | News
54 Answers
Ye gods, is there no limit to his tasteless self-aggrandizing? He should hang his head in shame.


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He just doesn’t get it, his wife is no better, they are devoid of assessing a situation.
You should. Along with all the other half-wits trying to make political capital out of a tragedy.

Just beat me to it Spice, blind prejudice seems to rule ATM.
If POTUS did what most politicians do and kiss the baby his detactors would wail he's a latent paedophile. Now if the POTUS was Obama.........?
Oh! I think retrocop just had one of those race crowbarring moments he loves to castigate AOG for.

He needs better people advising him.
What makes him so very dangerous, Mamya is that he isn’t able to listen to advice.
It's worrying, granted.
Oh dear God I feel sick , just when you think he can not get any worse !
The thumbs-up clip is a maliciously edited contrivance by CNN.

CNN has dedicated itself 24/7 to lying (and, I have to admit, very occasionally telling the truth) about Trump during the presidential campaign and the whole term of his presidency since.

If you want an example of the unprinipled bias of this "news" channel I'll point out their coverage of the Manchester bombing at the Ariana Grande concert. They spent all of half an hour (I lie, it may have been a full sixty minutes worth) faking orgasms of grief and expressing deep concern about a possible backlash in Britain against innocent Muslims before returning to the main business of the channel which is to deligitimise the Trump presidency.

Of course CNN's propaganda piece will be sucked up readily and uncritically by people who hate Trump and are not especially concerned about truth.
It has star quality in self-righteousness and hypocrisy, witness its two main anchors (thank God for spell-checkers) Don Lemon and Anderson Cooper.

Come to think of it there are a few Dons and Andersons on AB, aren't there?

Link to the untampered version appreciated.
/The thumbs-up clip is a maliciously edited contrivance by CNN./

Well, thank heavens Fox is here to give us unbiased, truthful reporting.
-- answer removed --

Nothing like self-aggrandizing. Witness the interminably tedious efforts of his ‘ovinesque’ critics. Pathetic.
They protest too much methinks.
I’d say his blind faith followers were more ovinesque in believing his bovinesque rhetoric.
It's turned into Animal Farm in here.

"All animals are equal. Except those Mexican ones. They're bad animals."
Ok. The press were (apparently) barred from entering the hospital during the visit so Melania Trump decides to post a few snaps on her Twitter account. In one, her and her other half are posing with a group of hospital staff, they are all grinning/smiling and POTUS is giving the thumbs up. Quite apt, imho. In the one shown in the link, he is with an orphaned child and it's uncle who is there, again apparently, to "see if he (Trump) is genuine and to see if my political views are right or wrong. And to see if he feels maybe some kind of remorse for statements that he's made." (Though he doesn't tell us if any of his questions were answered by the meeting?) The uncle and FLOTUS are smiling, POTUS is giving us that rictus grin we have all become accustomed to and, once again, he has his thumb up. Totally inappropriate, imho. The man is totally devoid of empathy. Once again, imho.
The thumb thing aside he couldnt win whatever he did - if he hadnt gone they all would have been saying he was uncaring - he did go and wisely avoided the rent a mob protestors.
I can’t catch the link but will post it if I can....

The uncle, who took the baby to the hospital has given a very different take on this.

MSM has as usual put their own spin on it and gone after the picture rather than the content of the meeting. Because as usual the content of the meeting doesn’t fit their narrative.

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