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Who are you trying to kid A-H. Barely had aog finished his OP title you zeroed in on it soon as you saw who posted it.I am surprised you were pipped to 2nd place such is your zeal to have ago at aog. you wrote this //My criticism is not the validity of the story, it is your sweeping generalisation that 'it's all down to … (insert your pet hate here - Muslims, blacks,...
13:28 Fri 16th Aug 2019
// Erm.....isn't that the idea of News.......It's new?//

five years ago it was day after day: I was musing about the word: ( choose one out of PC, racist, gender specific etc etc
and people c/p the last 500 entries from the previous day, usually of rubbish

2016 it was day after day: Brexit this and Brexit that: ( choose one out of good, very good, paradise on earth and lets get on with it) and people c/p the last 500 entries from the previous day
frequently pure rubbish

2019 it is day after day: a distinguished OAP ( and veteran) whining about being called a ( choose one out of racist, old, fool, racist old fool, baby killer, heretic, lunatic, moron, brain dead etc etc - pick any or all
and people c/p the last 500 entries from the previous day
always nonsense

and yeah I agree with Z - it is new and it is news?

Ed cant you shoot them all, and we can get on with something really important and of undyiing interest like does Meghan like her in-laws?

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