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Poor Owen Jones,,

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Spicerack | 15:21 Wed 21st Aug 2019 | News
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Savagely beaten by far right wing thugs in military style attack.


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He was more than likely "attacked" by the fascist thugs of the left as hes more of an embarrassment to them and makes them look even more stupid each and every time he opens his rs than a problem to those of the right. To the right hes the gift that keeps on giving..
16:45 Wed 21st Aug 2019
Yes I heard his interview on radio 5 live at the weekend
Disgraceful. Poor man.
Why does he think it's politically motivated I've never heard of him.
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Oops, meant to put this in News.
I see the boys who attacked the lesbians on a bus were due in court today. Was there much about it on the TV news? Doesn't seem to be in the papers.
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I don't know, craft. But he is very (in)famous.
He shouldn't have been attacked but from that report it's not clear who the attackers are or what their motivation was. Owen Jones is mouthy - a horrible little trouble maker in my opinion - so he could be attempting to gain political mileage out of this. He may just have upset someone in the pub.
I'm sure Owen will tell us how it is.
spicerack, I saw your conversation with Chris on the other thread. Use the 'report' button at the top of this thread and ask the Ed to move your question to News.
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Thanks, Naomi.
I have moved this thread into the category "News".
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Ta, Ed. Very quick. I was only halfway through my 'report'. ;)
i doubt they'd even know who he is. Sounds like he just gobbed off to the wrong person to me.
Firstly I shall say I don’t think violence on the hole unwarranted.

However we only have his opinion on this. He is a political activist and has an agenda that he has pushed for many years,. He has been know to use an event to push his agenda and to ‘prove’ he is right. Therefore, for me, the reason he is saying for the attack should be taken with a pinch of salt until proved otherwise.

Personally I think he is an odious little *** who doesn’t give a fig about real issues unless it is compatible with his. And to see him walk off a live interview because the other people didn’t cowtow to him was brilliant. I usually now say his name as Owen Crybaby Jones.
likkle owen aawww he was happy when people were throwing milkshakes
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There's a difference.
Attacking a Lefty= thuggery
Attacking a Righty= activism
He was more than likely "attacked" by the fascist thugs of the left as hes more of an embarrassment to them and makes them look even more stupid each and every time he opens his rs than a problem to those of the right.
To the right hes the gift that keeps on giving..
Is there any real evidence he was attacked by Right Wing thugs or is it just speculation?
A cheetah can kill a wildebeest, but not every dead wildebeest will have been killed by a cheetah
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He himself speculated and postulated it was right wing thugs. That’s why I don’t believe him just yet.
Who is owen? never heard of him.
// I have moved this thread into the category "News".//
o god if only the comments from the usual suspects were - - ( new)

why doesnt he take his beating like Tommy does?
( no I dont mean screaming and squawking and protesting like tommy does) I mean like a straight backed Brit, stalward and silent as he suffers
stting an example to us all

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