Jordyboy - // Mr Hughes,why is it being disrespectful? //
Because you imply that someone has a 'Moderator friend' who acts in their favour, and that is disrespectful to all Moderators who try and act fairly and without favour - and would soon cease to be Moderators if they behaved in any other way.
As I have pointed out, no-one knows which Moderators perform which actions, so the notion that you, or anyone else knows who did what is simply false, and it is a nonsense that deserves to be squashed every time it appears.
// It still annoys me to remember that I was unfairly treated on here,every time I bring it up I am inandated with not again stop winging forget it,all very good advice but how would these people react if it had been them, //
Then you have two very simple choices.
If you feel you were unfairly treated, write to the Editor and address it with the Team - the site is not the place to raise your personal grievances, as you have already been advised, more than once.
If you feel your grievnces are such that you cannot continue contributing, then you have the option to leave the site completely.
Either will mean you stop cluttering up threads with your sniping, which helps no-one, so again, please stop.
Thank you.