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Early General Election On Its Way?

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jim360 | 12:42 Mon 02nd Sep 2019 | News
22 Answers
Looks like TTT might be set to lose his bet...*

*Reference to . If you want to actually make it a formal bet, TTT, can we perhaps agree to give, say, £20 to the other person's chosen charity if there is/isn't a GE by November this year?



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well It's possible as a tactic to actually dissolve parliament then they can't stop brexit. Then hold an election but risky I mean, especially after what happened to Mrs May. He's got a good lead in the polls but we all know about those don't we! If there is an election I think the Lib non dems will pick up a lot of disgruntled Labour and the remainers, could see a big...
12:53 Mon 02nd Sep 2019
well possibly but he'd be radio rental to do it before we are out of the EUSSR.
TBH though I think Agent Cob would probably block it now, he'd get slaughtered.
ok jim just to clarify I say there will not be a general election before Nov 1st? If so I'll take the bet.
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I was going to say that "by November" includes the month (ie maybe the sneaky so-and-so's will agree an election just after Brexit). But yeah, let's go for a cut-off of October 31st. Shaken.

I don't think that Jeremy "let's resolve this by a General Election" Corbyn is going to resist having a GE, though.

So much for the fixed-term parliament act. If the government wants an election it can create the circumstances in which there is one.
well It's possible as a tactic to actually dissolve parliament then they can't stop brexit. Then hold an election but risky I mean, especially after what happened to Mrs May. He's got a good lead in the polls but we all know about those don't we! If there is an election I think the Lib non dems will pick up a lot of disgruntled Labour and the remainers, could see a big total for them.
I reckon a GE ideally in October or November. Maybe the latter once the country sees how well we're dealing with the issues. Certainly government can't be happy with it's party's lack of MPs, but it's a case of either a) timing the VONC right, or b) being forced by circumstances not to leave it until later.
ok jim we are on then £20 as above, ..handshake..
I hope there is an early GE and I hope Boris gets in
ooks like TTT might be set to lose his bet...*

TTT losing his undies - I would certainly buy the video

TTT having to eat his undies(*) if he loses a bet - well I happen to have a pair on me, I can.... give up. I am willing to go without for his sake

(*) those edible ones made from nourishing tofu or something

There is they say - an unedifying race of getting an election and being able to say - - - I didnt call one YOU did..... and
NO ! I didnt call one - it was your intransigence....
go for the knickers TTT - it will make a funnier video
Johnson should call a vote of no confidence in himself — to get an election.
And then lose the vote :-)

Keir Starmer made it clear yesterday that there would be no prospect of supporting an election if it meant leaving the EU during the campaign.
So presumably it would be a September election. If voted for.
Does Labour still have frustrated tory MPs whom they could put forward as caretaker ? I think New Labour is out of fashion so Blaire ain't likely to be happy anyway.
"Johnson should call a vote of no confidence in himself — to get an election.
And then lose the vote :-) " - then if Labour decided they don't want an election they'd vote against it! What strange times!
//So presumably it would be a September election. //

Impossible. If parliament was dissolved the same day as a vote to call an election (pretty unlikely), the earliest it could happen is 10th October.
Isn't it nice to have TTT back though
I don't think there will be a GE before Brexit is settled one way or another. If there was then The Brexit Party and the LibDems would be the big winners and neither of the main parties wants that.
Sorry yes early to mid October. Before 31st anyway

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