Jack Cade. And good reason; for thereby is England mained, and
fain to go with a staff, but that my puissance holds
it up. Fellow kings, I tell you that that Lord Say
hath gelded the commonwealth, and made it an eunuch:
and more than that, he can speak French; and
therefore he is a traitor.
Sir Humphrey Stafford. O gross and miserable ignorance!
Jack Cade. Nay, answer, if you can: the Frenchmen are our
enemies; go to, then, I ask but this: can he that
speaks with the tongue of an enemy be a good
counsellor, or no?
All. No, no; and therefore we'll have his head.
William Stafford. Well, seeing gentle words will not prevail,
Assail them with the army of the king.
Sir Humphrey Stafford. Herald, away; and throughout every town
Proclaim them traitors that are up with Cade;
That those which fly before the battle ends
May, even in their wives' and children's sight,
Be hang'd up for example at their doors:
And you that be the king's friends, follow me.
[Exeunt WILLIAM STAFFORD and SIR HUMPHREY, and soldiers]
Jack Cade. And you that love the commons, follow me.
Now show yourselves men; 'tis for liberty.
We will not leave one lord, one gentleman:
Spare none but such as go in clouted shoon;
For they are thrifty honest men, and such
As would, but that they dare not, take our parts.
Dick the Butcher. They are all in order and march toward us
Jack Cade. But then are we in order when we are most
out of order. Come, march forward.
HenryVI Act IV end of scene 2.