APG - // Women seeking abortions for any other reason than serious medical or mental reasons should be made to watch film of an abortion taking place and the resulting 'mess'. Abortion should be illegal after 12 weeks, this would be entirely long enough to realise you were pregnant and did not want to be. //
Once again you are offering to make moral decisions that are actually not yours to make.
There is no-one in society qualified to say that a woman has 'failed the test' and should therefore be punished by seeing graphic images, or be denied a termination because again, some arbitrary time-limit has been placed on her choice.
There will always be people who, when choice is offered, will make bad choices through ignorance, stupidity, wanton idiocy, and so on - but to deny anyone a choice on the basis of such rules as you suggest is not the way a civilised society behaves.
Yes, it would be great if every pregnancy was wanted, and a successful child rearing was assured, but that is not the way the world turns, and we have to deal with what is, not we would wish for.