ChillDoubt - // It says 'on suspicion' so no revision required.
EVERYBODY whi is arrested is done so 'on suspicion'. //
Which is why the constant jumping to conclusions so beloved of a few on here is so pointless, because no-one knows anything until the investigation is completed, so everyone on here is guessing, as usual.
// Splat claims there was no knife from the outset..........I'd hazard that following a subsequent search and a second arrest that a knife was discovered … //
There you go again, 'hazarding' is guessing, and I've already explained why that is pointless, but feel free, there's no charge (pun absolutely intended!) for doing it.
// Whadyareckon? //
I reckon you are guessing, which is pointless, but aa regular hobby of some on here.
// ... but bravo for answering for Splat. //
I don't ever answer for anyone, just myself.