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Prince Harry Choked

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thesshhh | 12:38 Wed 16th Oct 2019 | News
73 Answers
Watching the footage of Prince Harry getting emotional mid-speech (nothing Eric no with that, of course) made me wonder: have there ever been any examples of our Royals crying on camera? I can’t recall any


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Danny K I could never afford the time off work!
Theland, I am not detracting from Nailit's admirable works , but please give Harry the praise he has earned by his charitable works,especially in respect of disabled servicemen.
Going back to the OP, I think what thesshhh is saying is it's unusual for a member of the RF to show emotion while on camera. As soon as Harry started talking about becoming a father, this is when he began to crack up and I would say I couldn't imagine any other member of the RM talking about something like this and struggling to get through a speech. I just hope he doesn't get any stick about it from his father and grandfather.
Theland,//Danny K I could never afford the time off work.!//
I'll take that as a resounding no then.
Danny K - Rubbish. He uses his celebrity to achieve his goals but he is never inconvenience it's all part of his pseudo job like the rest of them and what a job!
I agree with dannyk13 Theland, your christian spirit seems very selective sometimes.
I'm not sure if that's just to curry favour with an internet rival Theland but I'm sure Prince Harry and many other Royals do more to help the underprivileged than most of us put together (even if it's in an indirect way).
Not too long ago, H & M spent three nights in a hotel costing £3000 per night.
Now then.
Should I tug my forelock on the way out?
Remember the Queen Mum?
"Oh that smile!"
Full of gin and Dubonnet, church on Sundays and a staff of about 18 to look after one old lady, who died and left a fortune in debt.
Harry is well trained in how to fleece the great unwashed, and Meghan is a quick learner.
A new father is moved at an event celebrating the inspirational seriously young people it supports and he gets slated?

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A select few are now arguing about things that are nothing to do with the question asked by the OP. I'm off.
Theland just recheck no 10. Just to make myself clear I'm not referring to Downing street but commandments.
I completely understand what point Theland is getting at.

Prince Harry is in a position to do much for charity, the regular Joe isn't. Harry doesn't need time off work, he has support from the general public, people he's never even met and he has the tools required to help him such as finances, helicopters, press, media coverage, security etc.. etc..

So yes, he does good.. but so could we all, if we were in such an prestigious position.

Harry seems to be well aware of mental illness. He is very active recently in support of mind matters. Maybe this is due to his generation, maybe it's due to him having suffered some mental illness himself, with the death of his mother being watched by the world, and the possible conspiracy's etc.. etc..

Does this make Harry vulnerable? Of course not but it does show a weakness to the royals, which i feel they shouldn't actually show. I know that goes competently against what Harry is trying to do.. but cmon, the whole point of the royals is for tradition, so lets keep that upper lip stiff, if you're a royal of course.

I've nothing against Harry.. these are simply observations from myself and theories / speculation.

I think he does good for the royals.. but i'm not sure absolutely everyone would agree.

Makes me wonder... what really is the point of them?
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Didn't Prince Harry serve on the front line against the wishes of the RF?
Theland - when did you serve on the front line and put your life at risk?
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There is a long tradition of embarking on a military career in the royal family
Rockrose I did not. Should I be ashamed?
Has he now got a license to live in the lap of luxury?
What about others needing help who served?

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