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Dangling From A Chimney!

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wolf63 | 11:38 Mon 28th Oct 2019 | News
55 Answers
I have no idea how this chap found himself in this situation but I wish the rescuers luck in getting him down.


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Poor man. I wonder if he was sleepwalking.
Very strange & very sad.
How awful, must have been dreadful for those watching this throughout.

With respect, I doubt if Fred had been alive (he would now be 81) he would have been permitted to go up.
Plus the ladder was damaged and they couldn't be sure how reliably he was attached to the tower. All very sad. Must be awful for his family.
This is a very sad and puzzling story. Poor man.
Very sad. What a long time to be left before anyone could get to him.
Wouldn't be the first time that someone has climbed something whilst sleepwalking
Doubt it would have ended this way before our obsession with H&S.
That is sad to hear he has died.
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It must have been frustrating for the rescuers, they could see the guy but couldn't safely get to him.

Sad though the whole incident was I am still intrigued as to how he got there.
Spicerack, you're such a bore. And a heartless one at that. Actually, I apologise; I've just realised that you're a bot, so it's not your fault.
How odd. Do you feel quite well?
What's a 'bot' ?
Software mimicking a human.
Is there any more information on this story?
Apparently there were 2 temporary ladders in place for maintenance work. The ladders were 15 feet above the ground and the area was secure and gated.
Thank you, Choux.
No problem, Tilly. I suspect there won't be much more news until after the poor man's inquest.

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