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It's Our Nhs

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Canary42 | 10:35 Thu 07th Nov 2019 | ChatterBank
78 Answers
Over the years, I have put thousands of pounds into the People's NHS like most of the people in this country. We own it.

Boris has no right to give this away to his rich cronies. But he will if he's returned to power, robbing the poor to fund the rich, the hard-wired Tory Policy.



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The blue brexit buss - "We'll send Trump £500 Million a week. Let's fund US drug firms, not our NHS".
It's not as bad as the orange Lib Democrat buss... They say tickets are free, once you get on they bill you 9K!
Who is he giving it to, Canary? Do you have inside information?
False news.
Canary - // Boris has no right to give this away to his rich cronies. //

Absolutely right - do you have any evidence of his intention to do so?
utter phooey and balderdash.
It's false news spread By Corbyn alleging that Boris will sell it off to Trump which Boris has denied time and time again.
as has POTUS Danny.
Does anyone have any info to prove corbyn wrong?

I mean.. he is the leader of the labour party i'm sure he'd be aware of such events rather than the average joe sat at home.
Spath//Does anyone have any info to prove corbyn wrong?//
More to the point is does Corbyn have any evidence.
John Bercow knows brexit is a huge mistake. Biggest one since the war.

Do you respect the ex speakers opinion?
"More to the point is does Corbyn have any evidence."

The evidence he has may not be public knowledge and it may not be allowed to be leaked. I trust corbyn over people who are sat at home reading propaganda own by tory elites.
Bye Spath.
//I mean.. he is the leader of the labour party i'm sure he'd be aware of such events rather than the average joe sat at home. //

Lol. Only yesterday you were asking 'why' is he leader of the Labour party.
He is a figurehead. That's all. A momentum puppet and they pull his strings.
Likewise Danny,
Bye Spath
Canary, stop scremongering. You know as well as me that selling off the NHS would spell political suicide – for any party.

//robbing the poor to fund the rich, the hard-wired Tory Policy.//

You mean like Gordon Brown rifling the working man’s pension pot, selling off our gold reserves at knock down prices, and cancelling the minimum rate of Income Tax for low earners? Vote Labour! The party of the people. What a joke!
''The evidence he has may not be public knowledge and it may not be allowed to be leaked. I trust corbyn over people who are sat at home reading propaganda own by tory elites. ''


1. If he had evidence, it would be shouted from the highest rooftops
2. do not understand second half of the sentence.
If corbyn overheard conversations how is he meant to prove that.

I think those who like to say goodbye instead of either respond maturely, or ignore me completely, need to stop.
Gordon Brown AKA New Labour AKA Tories In Blue.

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