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Would You Trust Corbyn With Business?

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naomi24 | 10:32 Mon 25th Nov 2019 | News
89 Answers
With the benefit of his father’s ‘business expertise’, Jeremy Corbyn’s son, Tommy, set up a business which has gone into liquidation with debts of £100,000 - before even being launched. Jeremy may yet, as the article suggests, come up with a cunning plan to rescue the disastrous enterprise. Nationalisation.

Well, it’s a thought. ;o)


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I wouldn't trust Jeremy Corbyn to walk my dog around the block - and I don't actually have a dog!!
Gulliver, do you wear blinkers?
Boris could even go into education The Boris School of Liars
Boris is our best shot of extracting ourselves from the mess that is Brexit.
Gulliver, which politicians do you think are always truthful? Second time of asking... and I will leave it at that x
Absolutely not.

It is quite apparent that Corbyn and McDonnell do not understand how businesses work. Neither of them are able to grasp something as simple as the people who will ultimately be affected by an increase in businesses taxes will be the consumer - many of whom are the 'poor' they apparently want to protect. Businesses will not altruistically swallow a tax increase - they will pass it on.

If an increase in business tax turns a profitable company into an unprofitable one, a business owner may simply decide to call it a day - resulting in a loss of jobs, some of whom could be affected are the 'poor' they apparently want to protect.

The detrimental ramifications of Corbynomics are enormous.

I see some utilities are now off-shoring holding companies, and transferring the stock into them, for fear Labour will issue CPOs at less than market value.

Emmie 12.59 Have you forgotten It was the Conservative party that caused" the mess that is brexit ".
Gulliver ( I’m listen, honest)
Can you please write a post saying what it is that you find endearing about Mr Corbyn and why he gets your support ?
Is it that he’d not press our nuclear deterrent ,that’s if we have one under his leadership,is it that he’s sympathetic to terrorist organisations such as the then IRA and HAMAS, or is it he’s anti Monarchy but would have to ask the Queen to form a government, maybe it’s because he dislikes Trump so much that he refused to meet him when he visited here,but he’d have to work with him if he formed a government ???
Perhaps you can now gave me Jeremys good points?
Corbyn is a loose cannon and shouldn't be allowed anywhere near the purse strings of this country.
Feel free to ignore my question, gulliver:-)
nice one TTT
The phrase, 'Couldn't run a whelk stall', speings to mind. Anyway, akk this presupposes that Corbyn is going to win: he ain't.
Shame McDonnelL didn't need another bag carrier/goffer. Remember when Cob was big on discrimination in the workplace and the jobs for the boys culture? Then you may remember another layabout son of his being handed a £48k a year from the public purse with Cob's buddy McDonnell. Not a peep of protest from Catweazle when this happened. As I said.... pity there were not two fake non job positions to fill. It would have saved this dead leg from going bankrupt and save any investors the grief of losing their hard earned money. It is in the blood with every commie. They couldn't run a whelk store at the seaside. Notice how they have tried to hush this up whilst the GE campaign is running. Deceitful lot of toads.
It will be written in the History Books. It was the The Tory Party that Divided the UK. It was Boris Johnsons Sidekick Cameron that caused it and them ran away.

And Labour's plan to heal the division? Prolong the run-up to Brexit (or not) by renegotiating the deal then putting it to another referendum, with the potential Labour PM not indicating what he would prefer.

Corbyn is ducking out of a decision, fence sitting, kicking the can down the road. All to hide the divisions in his party.
To his credit, Cameron gave us the referendum. It was his hubris in assuming that he was bound to win that was his downfall.
//this presupposes that Corbyn is going to win: he ain't. //

the likelihood is that nobody will win. there is every possibility that, given tactical voting, Labour end up with more seats than the conservatives and look to get into bed with another party. these will of course have their own red-line requirements (like the SNP's abandonment of the nuclear deterrent) so expect some of Labour's more "out there" policies to be wound in.....
I disagree. I think Boris will get a working majority. If I am proved to be wrong I will hold my hands up.
Mushroom, with all the bad publicity that Corbyn has had, plus his manifesto which would bankrupt the country, I cannot see there the Labour party getting anywhere near to winning the election.
Togo 13.19 You forgot to mention The £100.000 so called Grant that Boris gave to Jennifer Arcuri whe he was Mayor of London, just thought I would jog your memory

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