Exactly Mozz - I don't think Momentum et al will disappear or moderate their views so it's only sensible for the majority, more centrist Labourites to split off into a new party - in fact they could call it New Labour!
gromit // The process that elected Corbyn leader will still be in place when they elect his successor. So they will probably repeat their mistake having learned nothing. //
As a moderate that would like to see a credible opposition in place, that is also my worry. However, my Labour friends are already blaming the result on the right wing media and Laura Kuenssberg brainwashing the electorate, so we'll probably see more of the same.
As I said on another thread, it probably would have taken victory, and the resulting shambolic failure to govern to force Labour into some kind of rethink.
Labour have now lost 4 consecutive General Elections on the trot.
But will probably lose a couple more before they turn the ship around. They may need to split and rebrand to jettison the inevitable Corbyn baggage, and the Momentum infiltration.
I think there is scope for an interesting book, or at least a thesis, on how the Brutish (that was a typo, but I'll let it stand :0) Communist Party entered & overpowered the British Labour Party by stealth, cunning & intimidation.
Let us hope lessons have been learned for everyone.
Labour cannot win as Labour, they have to disguise and mutate. Blair et al saw this, they slaughtered the sacred cows of Labour and nicked the Tories clothes to get in in 1997. To get back they'll have to do the same again and that means clearing out the loonies and offering a sensible credible alternative. The electorate are not stupid they can see the bogey men lurking in the shadows.
The one Labour MP I'm sad to see lose her seat is Caroline Flint, which seems to be very unfair as she has bravely stood up against Corbyn, McDonnell & their henchmen, & supported Brexit, - but that's politics!
She could have been a valuable member of the new forthcoming Labour Party.
Unusually, I agree with TLC. momentum will lose it's... um... momentum. It will fade out, or with any luck, be a victim of the Labour closet cean out that is needed.
I do disagree with Dave at this point though, a rebrand isn't needed, all that is needed is for the public to see that this version of Labour has been moved away from. If not, the Tories will have free range to do what they please for the next decade.
momentum Won’t just give up even if they perpetually lose general election after general election. As momentum control the party they won’t abolish themselves, so the Labour Party are stuck in their election groundhog day.
Continually losing is good for career politicians so the Moderates in the Labour Party will have to leave and regroup, which will take 10-20 years just to see any fruition.
This election has been a big 'NO' vote:
No to European socialist expansionist aspirations,
No to movement left towards a socialist/Marxist UK.
I too hope that a new version of Labour can rise from the ashes and eschew extremist vituperation a la 'Class War' and all those other very left groups have been spouting.
Lets hope all elected can now work together to get this country sorted quickly and seamlessly without the blind opposing of everything any one suggested along party lines.
Well said shoota. A great post. I share your sensible hopes. There will be problems, many of them and we need a mature parliament now, something that we haven't had for at least three years.