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Didn't Nicola Do Well?

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Quizmonster | 08:26 Fri 13th Dec 2019 | News
89 Answers
Congratulations, least your people managed to get rid of half of them in Scotland!


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I think she's deluded in thinking that the votes gained from labour signify a desire for independence, people everywhere have abandoned the present Labour Party because of it's outmoded Marxist policies - not to mention it's antisemitism & grubby leadership.
OG, what purpose would be served by the SNP fielding candidates outwith Scotland?

"Any party that opts to be local loses any significant voice in the national parliament, no matter how squeaky a wheel they are."

Was the DUP's voice not significant in the previous Parliament?
Sturgeon is still on the TV trying to get another referendum, having apparently forgotten she's already had one. Spouting deceptive gobbledygook too.

Talks of all the countries of the union being equal, and then abusing the statement to try to mislead. All countries are equal when viewed as countries and speaking with a single voice; but that's not the case with referenda where everyone has an equal voice. Clearly one can't legitimately claim a justification for the voices of citizens in a less densely populated or smaller areas to have more say than voices of citizens in a more densely populated or larger areas. Am English individual is not worth less than a Scottish, Welsh, or Northern Irish individual.

The voice of every citizen should have the same weight and so a minority of UK citizens in, say, Scotland, can not take priority over the view of the UK as a whole. She either doesn't understand democracy, or does and is deliberately trying to fool everyone. For shame !
The purpose would be to represent those areas outwith Scotland and be a genuine UK party for a UK government.

The DUP held more power than they ought due to the unusual circumstances and the appalling unforgivable antics of remainer MPs forcing a government to find any workable solution no matter how undesired. Hardly an example of why it's good not to be a national party for our national government.

Unsure why I'm asked to point out the obvious.
OG, your argument was obviously wrong.
I thought Jim Murphy spoke a great deal of sense when he was interviewed in the wee small hours.
//is the fact that Scotland is now, in effect, a one party state, a healthy state of affairs for a democratic nation?//

I could have voted for any one of 5 different parties in my constituency, some had even more than that to choose from
Clearly it can't be wrong as no one has found anything wrong with it. Just posed questions, the answers to which were obvious.
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OG re 12.26...
"Sturgeon is still on the TV trying to get another referendum, having apparently forgotten she's already had one."
There is no British legislation I’m aware of that defines how often referenda may be held or stipulating the time-gap between them.
The same is not strictly true of general elections. We had one of those in 2015 but - despite the Fixed-term Parliament Act – Theresa May called for another one in 2017, having apparently been assured by her advisers that she would win in a landslide. Or did she just forget she’d “had one” as well?

A referendum isn't the same as an election though. At least I kept seeing "once in a lifetime/generation".
There should be a minimum time in between, or there is a risk of keeping asking the same thing until you get what you want.
//there is a risk of keeping asking the same thing until you get what you want.//

The Scottish first miniature learned that trick from the EUSSR dictators.
It doesn't rely on legislation, it relies on common sense and reasonableness. Granted apparently absent from the minds of some politicians.

Referenda can't be compared to General Elections. When a parliament is unable to progress the only sensible option is to reset it regardless when the previous one was held. (It's not about making U turns on something not even attempted.)
Exactly, Togo. In any case, it makes absolutely no difference how well she did or didn't do. It's like treating Scotland as their own country, when they aren't and don't want to be.
While they remain dependant, I can't see the sense of a party that only worries about one area.
//I can't see the sense of a party that only worries about one area.//

I can't see the sense in parties that represent only one area and field candidates only in that area being invited to join the televised debates.
An extrication cost of trillion pounds will shut the scots up - owt is free but we know who is tight!
No... it is either for the UK or it isn't. I had 4 options to choose from. Was that the same for everyone?
I had four options - and not an SNP candidate to be seen. I can't vote for them, I can't vote against them, and yet they're instrumental in formulating the laws I have to abide by. Bit like the EU really.
Yes, I didn't get them either. So it is a bit of a warped result.
If I were P. M. I would grant her a 2nd bloody referendum. I recall the smug arch trot, McDonnell, saying several months ago to bring on the GE. He was ready to pour his leader into a cab and send him to Buckingham Palace to ask the Queen to form a new government. Ho Ho Ho. She was at Balmoral the time. :-) Nice to see more egg on face.
can you really ignore a whole country's wishes?

Pure Stupidity.

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