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'Mental health issues', a catchall phrase used to excuse bad behaviour, especially when dealing with the wealthy and entitled when they stray from the straight and narrow and get caught.
14:41 Wed 01st Jan 2020
Eh ?
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I think JTH has just seen the funny side.
what next, laughing at people who have cancer because they went to private school, or they are related to people whose politics you don't like?
There is absolutely *no* funny side to your post.
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Calm down bednobs. You are sounding like an idiot. You used that word first.
exactly bednobs

Will you be laughing if any of your family suffer from any illnesses ?
'' he be ''
I agree with Douglas. As I understand it he had previously been sacked from his job at the Foreign Office where the incident subsequently took place. He has now been banned from going to the Foreign Office under the terms of his bail.

Sounds like axe-grinding to me.
Calm down, I have more chance of being Home Secretary that D A. Stop using that analogy to ridicule the son .
Oh bloody hell, enough of the sanctimonius carp !! I am sick to death of 'mental health issues' being used as an excuse for any type of thuggish behaviour these days. Wonder how the police and NHS staff he beat up feel … ?
Well said, hereIam.
Couldn't hold back any longer ...
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Seconded Naomi. What amused me was that the son of DA the woman who aspired to be in charge of the police and prison services would behave in such an unacceptable manner.
// son of DA the woman who aspired to be in charge of the police and prison services would behave in such an unacceptable manner.//

"Mental health" issues? Was he perhaps training to become a terrorist out in Ghana? They all have it so I'm led to believe........especially the protected cultural background ones.
//Couldn't hold back any longer ... //

Haaaaaaaa! Crying here. You do make me laugh. :o)
Whether or not he had mental issues or is a potential terrioist , I fail to see what's funny about this

But hey I'll leave you all who find it funny , to it
Hereiam, Douglas, naomi, nail on head. I agree with you three, stating the obvious. Mental health problems, my botty. Thwarted entitlement more like.
Are 'we' laughing at James Abbott-Thompson or Diane Abbott?
If 'we' are laughing at J A-T is it because he is the son of DA or because he has mental troubles (I appreciate that until his medical records are made available to the great and the good of AB suspicion will abound)?
And if we are laughing at DA, is it because of her own ineptitude (which whilst endless doesn't seem entirely obvious in this story) or because her (grown-up/adult) son has mental problems and has got himself into bother with the law?
^^Correct. :))
dunno about you JTH but I'm laughing at the AB virtue signallers defending this black privileged moron who thinks he can physically abuse NHS workers and hide behind his 'mental health issues', no doubt getting advice on how to wriggle off the hook from 'Mummy'

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You Have To Laugh Really.

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