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Organ Donation Opt Out?

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Theland | 20:41 Thu 02nd Jan 2020 | ChatterBank
47 Answers
When the mandatory donation of organs comes in soon, will you go along with it or opt out?


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I had already signed up to donate my organs 4 years ago so I shall stay in.
No. I’ve held a donor card for years.
I have carried a donor card for years.
Me too. They can have whatever’s any use.
we've each been registered for years.

I've a sneaky feeling tho that relatives can still go against the donor's wishes.
I have already registered to donate and while I disagree with this, I will leave it for now. You?
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I'm sure many years ago I carried a card. (Before computers), so will have to get signed up. How?

In the meantime they can have my old piano :-)
When it is mandatory, you won't need to sign up, it will be presumed. You will need to register if you don't want to.
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I see.
I can't think of anything useful I might have, unless they want to use me as a door stop :-)
Draught excluder?
What bothers me, is that it only comes down to medical compatibility. I don't want to die and end up saving the life of some paedophile.
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Your tattoos might be recycled :-)
Oh Pixie! Jesus was crucified alongside two sinners; he didn't condemn them.
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Not many people know that the pope had a bum transplant, but it failed, the bum rejected him :-)
Pix (xx :-D )
agree with you wholeheartedly on that, but it would be nice to think that part of 'you' went with the organ and you could dish out appropriate nasties to the evil swine.
On the other hand, your life might be saved by an organ donated by a paedophile and you wouldn’t know. Swings and roundabouts.
I designed those :-) I might need to put in a clause them- family only lol.
I don't mind someone being saved by a paedophile... just not the other way round.
Good point, Albs :-). I will insist he has my butterfly tattoo as well... xx
They certainly won't want your lungs Theland or mine.
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I agree.
What about my brain?
Hmmm... what are your shoes like? ;-)

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