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TheDevil | 11:36 Wed 22nd Jan 2020 | News
48 Answers
Bird flue, swine flue, ebola? Is this just another one of the virus rounds that we see trying to scare us about this time annually?

Unfortunately, coronavirus is not causing people throughout the world to put some flipfops on and have a beer in the garden.


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When I was in the Far East when SARS was around, we were just temperature tested with a probe to the forehead or in the ear. No xrays involved.

//When I was in the Far East when SARS was around,//

Did that include you flying to Australia?My son had to pay for the chest x-ray and take it to the Aussie Visa section in the Embassy in Bankok
Yes, I was the crew on the aircraft at that time.
I can only assume that aircrew must of had some dispensation as they were not visa applicants and only on stop over.My son,as a passenger needed the visa and an X-Ray to get it issued at that time. He was staying about 3 months or until his money ran out.
Aircrew don't have any dispensation regarding health regs. If anything they are more at risk because they are couped up in a metal tube with people from all over the world for an awful lot of the time. Maybe your son had been in parts of Thailand that were more at risk but I remember SARS, MERS, the one from Mexico (can't remember the name)and a few others and normally a temperature probe at the head and a mask is the only defence for passengers and crew.
I was in Thailand when SARS broke out. They disinfected the plane going home. It was awful.
// 9 people have died from Coronavirus out of a something like 490 Chinese people who have the disease.//

so that makes the case fatality ratio 10/500 give or take of 2%
peanuts. the case fatality ratio always overestimates the true mortality because of the unrecorded mild cases and the fact a death is hard to mistake.

the experts havent got their act together and for gods sake dont make it political - see the mess of politicizing science on the Greta thread.

an oxford virologist was making a terrible mess of it on radio 4 the other day - kicking off by saying he was sure the Chinese authorities werent lying about the number of cases -- er they were

he also chipped in that corona viruses werent epidemic viruses - weak I thought. Then that they werent sure if it were spread by breath alone (which really does seem to be needed) or by skin contact or clothes ( fomites )
Jesus they dont know squit all about it so they cant really predict
after ebola there were cases heard in court ( GMC actually but what the hell this is AB)
and the public health doctor ( Gent) said, if we get it wrong then no one will ever tell the truth to health admin again

they didnt (get it right)
people are being stopped from leaving Wuhan, in the hope i guess that it will contain the virus. 17 dead and hundreds infected, wait till it ends up here, it;s only a matter of time.
hooray I have found somewhere to post my one liner !

people are being stopped from leaving Wuhan,
so they have renamed it Whoa! - han and not Wuhan !
ter daaah
PP, D o you really think that this is a subject that should be treated as a joke? Your post is in bad taste to say the least.
It is the wrath of God being visited on the Chinese for their despicable treatment of all animal life, notwithstanding their insatiable lust for ivory & rhino horn which lies behind the needless deaths of these 'protected' creatures - and then there's sharks fins - but don't start me off!
Alleged to have been transmitted from a snake in the market. Somewhat biblicallisn’t it Khandro?
I am reply concerned about this as with my breathing problems an infection from this would be the death of me :-(
Yeh. Me also. I’m not going anywhere much at the moment in any case.
A second city is apparently now in so-called 'lockdown'. They're obviously not taking any chances.
No Chinese chippy for me then.
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When this kind of thing happens it does make me think about how controlled North Korea is and some benefits of that.

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