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Oneeyedvic | 18:06 Tue 22nd Nov 2005 | News
30 Answers

Paedophilia seems to be a crime that arrouses a lot of feeling in people/parents. Are people aware that in Spain, the age of consent for any (hetrosexual or gay) sexual ralationship is 13.

This essentially means that a European neighbour condones what we see as paedophilia.

We regularly hear about teenage parents and children under 16 having children. And of course, the issue of people like Gary Glitter and Michael Jackson hit the headlines big time.

So, what is the right age of consent?

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I have decided that I have nothing against the age of consent being 13 - I would hope that if I had a 13 year old daughter, and if she was capable of consenting sexual relations, I would have instilled in her the necessary dignity and self worth not to indulge in anything she was not comfortable with, as well as being aware of the variety of factors relating to her sexuality. Sex should not be the backstreet, embarassing affair that Britain makes it.

Well said El D.

What happened to childhood.Luckily enough your daughter if you had one at 13 probably wouldnt have started her periods so you wouldnt have the worry of unwanted pregnacies on your hands.

I salute your wisdom.My girl was still surreptiously playing with her Barbies at that age.What do I know!!!

Makes you wonder where and when paedos form their sick opinions eh??

Only in some parts of Spain can a girl marry at 12 and it is amongst the gypsy community.
Oh and Buddy - lots of girls start their periods now from 9 onwards so at 13 I think most girls will have periods.
Indeed it does Buddy - your concern is noted. Taking as I do an evidential approach it seems clear to me that Britain has more of a problem with underage sex and pregnancy than Spain where the age of consent is, as mentioned, 13. This appears to be a cultural issue. British people, again based the evidence (right here on AB, on this very thread perhaps?!) seem to have some kind of negative view of sex, its dirty, something to be hidden, only approached when you can cope with the pitfalls and drawbacks. Out of interest Buddy, do you know when your daughter lost her virginity?
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Okay, some more editing makes this thread completely weird. I am assuming that Buddy has been expelled and all her post's removed.

Shame, as on this thread she made interesting points and (I felt) was not out of line
Have just spent an interesting morning with the British Vice-Consul and a lawyer pondering the age of consent in Spain. They think it is 12 changing to 13 soon. A British Child living legally inSpain also comes under this rule. So watch out parents in Spain.

A very emotive subject, and a difficult one to really make a fair ruling on.

As a guy, I know that I would have been more than happy to have sex before the age of consent (with a girl from my own peer group or older). Kids are always going to have sex before the age of consent and I think that if it is consensual and with their peers then we should accept that. It is important to have an age of consent, though, to prevent their explotation by those who would exploit their lack of life experience.

A for the sexualisation of girls at an increasingly early age, I do feel that it is very wrong and a disturbing trend. We (supposedly) live in a civilised country, and have enough wealth to allow our children a childhood, why are so many parents so keen to deprive their children of those few years of innocence?

Vic - Thanks for missing me :-)

I dont know what happened but I'm cooking with gas again.Just a wee response to Net - I am female and have a daughter so I know girls nowadays start their periods younger - I did say 'probably'.

El D - not a clue when she lost it - I never told my mum either and she never told me etc.I would bet my bottom dollar however - if it was when she was young - she did it consentially and was not seduced or abused by an older man.They are just too clued up nowadays.As I said either here or in a similar posting - she probably experimented with her peers- as I did.

O and El D - I dont think sex is dirty - only if you want it to be :-)

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