// that's just the point, she thinks that she isn't "special" or unusual and shouldn't be treated as though she is.//
free-tee in his drive to score a weeny political point ( the trees) cant see the wood ( we all have rules to follow)
and the rule ( such as BoJo had to relearn) is that we must all obey the law
in this case the schools rules on dress contravened the law - which as free tee says portentiously - we must all obey.
do you think people pay money for nothing
or free-tee do you pay out of court when you dont owe?
not evn you 3T would do that
the tipping point is that a govt agency with lots and lots of tax payers money undertook the pupils case. The school threw the towel in ( unequally armed parties to a cause)
yes 3t you are in now way special
you must obey the law - or PAAAAAYYYYY!
It's clear from the photo of her graduation that she can tie her hair back successfully andthat takes no time at all That's all she needed to do. Her parents have made her the centre of attention and her schooling has suffered. It wasn't done for her benefit.
Is it clear though PP that the school wasn't obeying the law. Which specific law? I assume it was seen as potential racial discrimination under the Equality Act or similar, but although the ECHR was claiming this it wasn't tested. Maybe the school threw in the towel not because it knew it was in breach of the law but maybe it didn't want to spend any more time on this. I thought it was interesting that the girl would sometimes say "why don't you send me home then".
>didn't anyone watch the video? She did tie it back but the school said it wasn't acceptable.
Which bit of the video was that please woofgang? I thought she said it was acceptable to the school when tied back but she had concerns it would cause her hairline to recede. Maybe I missed a bit
That was my understanding of the video FF. There was one specific hairstyle shown that the school said was acceptable. I had to tie my hair back at school. Many years ago, but with cookery and chemistry lessons it was considered safe to have your hair tied back from your face. Her hair is no bushier than a lot of girls but is fluffed out to make it look fuller.
Not long ago there was a girl who was sent home for wearing skirts that were too short and she and her parents with the usual miserable faces managed to spin her story in the press to say she was being victimised for being too big for her skirts.
Could I put in a similar claim historically? I've lost count of the number of times I was told off by the school fanny to tie my hair back. Of course back then you couldn't take schools to court for imposing rules.
Our headmistress (an evil woman) used to make us line up in our gym dresses to measure if they were exactly 4 inches about the knee. Why we had to wear dresses for gym I will never understand. Not the most appropriate garment as far as modesty is concerned. The same evil woman pulled my panama hat down over my eyes as it was hanging on the back of my neck by the elastic cowgirl style.
Didn't you have one. I thought most schools did? The usually unmarried older bag who constantly nagged the girls about their hair, skirt length or make-up. Often domestic science teachers :-)
I think we had several Prudie, but the Headmistress was the most evil of all, A big lady sitting on the stage every day in her gown, legs akimbo and showing her long pantaloons!
Of course there were exceptions which resulted in unfairness but it used to be the case that the laws of the country were passed for the benefit of the majority. Nowadays, all sorts of special cases are catered for complicating life and costing money.
When people complain about austerity cuts I wonder if they consider why there is a need to ration money. One answer is to obey the law and that would make life much simpler, cheaper and better for the majority.
The problems arise due to the school not being able to specify a length! There is NO actual definition of 'reasonable' for example ! What is 'reasonable' to one may be outragous to another !