TheDevil - // "I believe they can."
You believe, that during a mountain rescue, that a rescue volunteer will be able to accurately evaluate the hiker ability to mountain climb to a level where he would be able to implement a fine if he thought it wasn't good enough? //
I didn't say that.
My suggestion is - when the rescue is completed, the Team Leader assesses the circumstances, and suggests that maybe the rescued party should be prepared next time, and though they were not prepared, they were rescued, and a donation would be appropriate.
I am now made aware by pix that a donation is requested anyway, so that's my argument completed.
// What if the hiker appealed, and said actually no my abilities are more than your estimation, the weather just took a turn for the worst and I thought it best to get help rather than risk it? //
There is no 'appeal', this is a request for a donation, nothing more, and, as I said, it appears that happens anyway.
// Would there be an appeal process?
What are the logistics? //
You really are overthinking this.