Yesterday I was back to clearing out the workshop and garage. A neighbour on one side,a Polish woman, was sunbathing on the lawn and neighbour on t'other, unbeknowns to me, was chilling out on his patio with wine etc.
I had gone into Greek holiday mode and had started playing a collection of Bouzuki music on my workshop sound system .
When I saws the sunbathing neighbour I introduced myself and asked her if my music was too loud as I could turn it down/off.
She replied that she loved it and reminded her of happier times past and good times in the future. Result.
Today the other neighbour was cutting his lawn and remarked how much he enjoyed yesterday's selection of music as it reminded him of holidays past and those to come. Double result.
He had hired a skip at the start of lock down and filled it with all his junk. He knew I had been clearing out my 'man caves' over the last 3 days and invited us to use his skip with our junk. Triple result.
Strange. Due to their work patterns our paths rarely cross and it takes this awful plague to get to know our neighbours, albeit, from a 2metre distance. The bozouki is playing now as I type. :-)