I have long had the suspicion that many of the government's plans for dealing with Coronavirus were scribbled on the back of a fag packet. Now I'm convinced. This is from "a government advisor":
"Eyal Winter, a leading economist, told Cabinet ministers in a meeting that a solution to potential crowding could be to ask [pub] landlords to ration alcohol and to then politely ask people to go home.
It would mean landlords could allow 2 to 3 pints of beer, for example, before asking people to leave due to Covid-19."
How are they to tell how many pints each customer has had? Will they give out tokens at the door? What about people who don't drink pints? How long must the ration last and when can the customer return for more? Has Mr Winter (whoever he is) ever visited a pub and does he understand what they are for? Methinks he might do best to stick to economics.