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Vera Lynn.

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saintpeter48 | 08:57 Thu 18th Jun 2020 | News
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How do you remember her?


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That’s lovely, saintPeter. Reminds me of my gramps who was a PoW, and my gran didn’t know if he was alive or dead, with two children to look after. Thankfully, he got back. They loved Vera Lynn.
10:11 Thu 18th Jun 2020
Never met her.
Our neighbour (who at 104 outlives her yet) did though when lying wounded in hospital in WWII.
“She sat on the end of my bed - there was nothing funny going on tho”
A fitting tribute to a great lady.

My aunt told me that when I was a baby I'd start wailing whenever Vera came on the radio.
Sorry Dame Vera, RIP
A firm favourite of my late Father - in - law. R.I.P Dame Vera.x
A sad day for many. She lifted many spirits during tough times. Thank you dear lady. RIP, Dame Vera.
I suspect that the people who thought a lot of her have now passed on. There were many people who loved what she did. My grandparents knew all her songs. :-)
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'When the LIghts go on Again' is one of my favourites, it sums up the dark days of WW2.

'When the lights go on again all over the world
And the boys are home again all over the world
And rain or snow is all that may fall from the skies above
A kiss won't mean "goodbye" but hello to love'

My dad said that this song gave him hope whilst he was away from my mum and my elder brother and sister.
I can only go on footage of what she did during the war to entertain our brave troops , she deserves the best send off ever .
That’s lovely, saintPeter. Reminds me of my gramps who was a PoW, and my gran didn’t know if he was alive or dead, with two children to look after. Thankfully, he got back. They loved Vera Lynn.
I remember her from an encounter in the "White Horse" in Ditchling, which was her "local". I tripped over a dog as I was carrying two pints back from the bar and they almost landed in her lap. I managed to save them, just spilling some of the contents near to her feet. She was with another lady (who I assume was her daughter with whom she lived) and the three of us had a bit of a chuckle. That was about twenty years ago. She seemed a lovely lady.
RIP Dame Vera
Surely a candidate for a statue. Her morale-boosting work in the war has got to rank her amongst those who helped us win.
I don't recall her all that well, except from news footage, its sad she has passed away
RIP Dame Vera
Before my time.but i remember a comic saying about wartime songs and about Vera Lynn singing "Whale meat again" .I think that Dame Vera had a smile at that. R.i.P Vera
Tilly’s right, few among us will have heard her songs when they were new. I’ve seen all her films, though.
Just imagine, NJ. Had you actually spilled the drinks on her, you could brag about having shared a couple of pints with Vera Lynn :-)
great voice and much respect for boosting morale during ww2
this song is one of my favourites.
An ever present part of my life growing up.

My Mother's name was Vera, hence lots of leg pulling as a child about being named in her honour.

RIP Dame Vera.
Sad news indeed - she had a grand & good life.

RIP Dame Vera.

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