//it’s as if there’s a rebellion going on//
There is, Bobbie - of sorts.
It is absolutely naive to expect that the population will remain under quite severe restrictions for a prolonged period. At the beginning they could not leave home without a "reasonable excuse". The government made this a bit easy for them by making "unreasonable excuses" impossible because they closed all but essential shops and services. Pubs, bars, restaurants, gyms, non-essential shops, barbers and the rest were all closed by diktat. This prevailed for almost two months (although a slight extension of the "reasonable excuses was provided after about five weeks). Still many of the establishments that people rely on for normal life and relaxation remain closed. They cannot go on holiday (either in the UK or abroad); they cannot go out for a meal; they cannot get their hair cut; they cannot freely associate with others. At the moment the government is managing to maintain their restrictions by making orders to organisations they know will comply (pubs, restaurants, hotels etc.) to close. What they cannot control is 65m people. The weather is hot, many are not at work and they've had enough. So they go out to the seaside. What a surprise.