Mozz, that doesn't alter my point about quick action. But if you want a closer comparator, try Japan. About 150,000 sq m, population 125m, density 850 per sq m; UK about 95,000 sq m, population 65m, density 725. per sq m.
In other words, another first world island nation, area about 50% bigger than the UK, population nearly 100% bigger. They didn't have a full lockdown, and it varied locally, but there was a state of emergency in Tokyo from April 7 to May 25. I think the deaths per million is the fairest statistic, as it reflects just how much people have to fear.
And the Covid stats: UK 650 deaths per million, fourth highest in the world. Japan eight deaths per million, 116th in the world.
I think that's as fair a national comparison as we'll get; but the gap is vast. We've had, proportionately, 80 times as many deaths.