To see her parents murdered by this evil regime she fought back and I'd now in a 'safe' house , no one here can imagine living in such condition , perhaps only the brave men and women who've served there
Well done her.
I think we can imagine. We know various nations and cultures create awful conditions. We need to guard against any release of the rights and conditions we have achieved lest we slip so far, or indeed, slip at all.
Me too Margie, what an evil regime but I doubt they'll ever be peace in Afghanistan, so many countries have been involved in conflict with it, makes you realise how lucky we are here
Your link says 'a safer place' Bobbi, not a 'safe house'. Hate to be pedantic so early in the day, but there is possibly a world of difference between the two. A 'safe house' suggests she and her family will be guarded 24/7, a 'safer place' suggests somewhere a tad harder for the Taliban to exact revenge - which they will no doubt seek to do.
I really do hope that the photo of the girl holding the rifle - which has gone viral - is pixilated at the point of source. Otherwise this poor girl will spend the rest of her natural looking over her shoulder.
It just shows what can be done when the right people have the proper tools.
A few hundred like-minded individuals could wipe the infestation from their country overnight.
I doubt the Taliban can ever be eradicated, Douglas. The combined forces of the UK, USA, et al, tried and failed. Like the cockroaches they are, they will scuttle away to their hide-outs, lick their wounds, rejuvenate their numbers, and return to fight another day. Just as their kind always do.
religious driven death cult.. if you live there and disagree, then your an infidel, stuck in a vicious circle of dogma and terror, its no wonder countries that subscribe to said religion are backward thinking, and social structures and economies are mmm, not thriving.