"Slavery to boffins never ends well."
Who can argue with this when expressed so baldly? But that's not really what was happening in this case (ie the "following the science" mantra also carries the "not our fault, guys" message, which is pretty convenient politically). As a case in point, the recent "mask thing" isn't based on some fresh, updated scientific advice: various of the key scientists have made it clear that the position on masks hasn't materially changed since around April.
And, besides, to whom are you going to listen if not people who have studied the subject intensely for their entire career? Not to mention the collective experience of the field that these people represent. Almost by definition, the only people left to listen to, if not the experts, are those who *don't* have any experience.
Slavery to any mindset is obviously damaging. There's nothing unique about the "boffin" that deserves extra contempt.